How to find spiritual peace and harmony in a world full of everyday problems and stress? Mankind has not yet found a single solution. Some people relieve their head with walks or active rest, others take a hot bath, listen to music or go for a massage. And the most daring get up on nails.
nail master
If you’re scared, do it. Once you overcome the fear and pain, a new source of energy will open up.
The practice of nailing originated in ancient India. Fakirs and sadhus (ascetics fully devoted to the knowledge of God) made pilgrimages on foot across the country: in summer they headed north to the Himalayas to visit the shrines and places of power located there, and in winter they went south. Such journeys are impossible without strength of mind, a strong nervous system, a firm physical body and a clear mind. All this is achieved by standing on nails. The name Sadhu Board comes from the Sanskrit root sādh, which means “to achieve a goal” or “to have power over something.”
We tell you more about the practice, preparation for it, and its benefits.
What are the benefits of standing on nails?
For the body
Standing on nails energizes the body and speeds up the blood. According to Eastern philosophy, the projection of internal organs is the feet. There are over 70,000 nerve endings on them. When we stand on nails, we stimulate these acupuncture points.
The World Health Organization states that exposure to acupuncture points is effective for at least 28 conditions ranging from headaches and depression to allergic reactions, stroke and spinal problems.
Nailing is the best foot massage you can think of. Imagine, 300 to 600 nails under each foot depending on the level of difficulty of the board. So you could say that’s the number of fingers massaging one foot.
In addition, the practice allows you to control your body and get rid of blocks in it. Standing on the nails, it is not the body that controls you, but you control the body.
For mental health
This practice was originally discovered not for massage, but primarily for meditation.
Dmytro Shestak
master of nailing
I promote nailing concentration. People get up on a board with a specific question, such as: “What do I need to do to earn a million rubles a month regularly?”. While standing on the nail, they concentrate on it, which helps take their mind off the pain. Where there is concentration, there is energy, so this request is realized very quickly, 10 times faster than usual.
Many people, on the contrary, stand on nails to free their head from extraneous thoughts. My practice and the practice of my clients shows that after experiencing pain, the mind is cleared and there is silence in the head.
What are the contraindications to nailing?
Dmitry Shestak
master of nailing
The most important contraindication is the lack of desire.
Also practicing standing on nails should not be practiced in the following cases:
- epilepsy and epileptic seizures;
- stroke or heart attack suffered less than six months before practicing;
- pregnancy;
- alcohol or drug intoxication.
How to choose a Sadhu board?
Modern Sadhu boards are lighter and more compact than their predecessors. Many models have a magnetic lock that keeps the two parts in a folded position. This is convenient for transportation.
Sadhu boards are divided into three levels of difficulty depending on the distance between the nails:
- 8 mm – for beginners;
- 10 mm – for intermediate level, considered a classic;
- 12 mm – for advanced.
The greater the distance between the nails, the harder it is to stand on them.
Master nailer Dmitry Shestak recommends choosing nails at master classes, where an expert determines which board is suitable for you. Those who buy independently in a store or online resource, should have experience or choose the classic – 10 mm.
How to prepare for practice?
Physically very simple. You can not prepare at all. The main thing is not to drink alcohol on the eve of practice.
Mentally, answer yourself the question: “Why am I doing this?” If it works, you are ready to stand on the nails, says the expert.