Tap or filtered: which water is safer to drink?

Humans are made up of 80% water, and maintaining water balance is essential for a healthy lifestyle. However, not everyone knows how to get the most benefit from it. What kind of water is best to drink and how to make it healthier? Nikita Metelitsa, the founder of the Institute of Biohacking and Health and the speaker of the International Festival of Healthy Lifestyle and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM, will help to understand this.

Can I drink tap water?

You can drink tap water. The question is what consequences it will lead to sooner or later. Such water not only contains an excessive amount of metals (iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc.), but is also very highly mineralized for constant consumption. An even bigger problem is chlorine, which is used for disinfection.

Many people think that if the water passes government tests, it is safe to drink. But as practice shows, regular consumption of such water can lead to various diseases and even poisoning. According to Rospotrebnadzor, every year in Russia are registered from 1 to 2 million such cases, and this is only according to official data. But there are also those who do not seek medical help.

The biggest problem with drinking tap water is that various kinds of deposits accumulate in the body, such as stones, calcification of blood vessels, etc. Some people think that you can protect yourself by buying a filter jug. Alas, this is not the case. It will only purify the water from chlorine, but will not make it useful.

Water should be similar to the fluid media of the human body. Also, if we study the water from the regions where the highest percentage of long-lived people live, we will see that their water is far different from our tap water.

How to make water safe and healthy?

To make water safe, it is enough to put a three-stage filter under the sink, but better with reverse osmosis. It cleans the water from everything, leaving only its molecules. After it should be mineralized at a rate of 30-50 mg per liter, which corresponds to the parameters of drinking water of long-lived people. If you use a filter without reverse osmosis, then additional mineralization is not necessary.

After treating the water with a reverse osmosis filter, you need to help it to be further structured. For example, insist on stones (shungite, silica, quartz, etc.). It is also recommended to set the water to a more alkaline pH. According to statistics, most modern people are in a slight acidosis (acidification of the body). Slightly more alkaline water will help the body to maintain balance and preserve the homeostasis of the acid-alkaline environment. However, you should not overdo it: pH 8 is suitable for those who do not consume animal protein in large quantities, and pH 8.5 for those who do. There are special instruments to measure these values.

Still, the quality of water purification with a conventional three-stage filter is questionable. I also recommend purchasing a total mineralization meter – TDS meter. If after filtration the mineralization level is below 100, you can use such a filter. If above 150-200, it is better to put a more powerful or with reverse osmosis.

The fact is that salts (metals) are contained in water in the so-called inorganic form, and in small amounts the body can digest them. But if you boil soup or make tea from such water, these salts precipitate out. There is an excellent way to check: if in two months in the kettle forms a limescale, it is a clear sign that there are too many minerals in the water.

The topic of water is a fairly broad one. Depending on what kind you drink, it will either energize you or drain your energy and lead to chronic diseases. Therefore, you should not be negligent about what you drink. Even the consumption of water should be done wisely.

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