During a physical examination, the doctor’s first consideration is always the patient’s tongue. Why? It reflects the condition of the body as a whole. If the tongue is not in order, it may indicate the presence of diseases. Today we will talk about glossalgia – inflammation of the tongue, accompanied by the appearance of cracks.
What is glossalgia?
Dental implantologist, DDS, founder and chief physician of Dental Way, a network of Moscow dentists.
“Any cracks on the tongue are called glossalgia. Few people know, but this is a fairly common neurosomatic disease. Pain and burning sensation appear in the absence of obvious causes and other clinical manifestations on the mucous membranes. Sometimes such symptoms extend to the lips, palate or the entire mucosa.”
Glossalgia is most often diagnosed in middle-aged and elderly women. Men face it several times less often.
There are cases when the patient may have cracks since birth or childhood. Moreover, they do not cause discomfort. The cause of their appearance is a feature of the development and formation of the muscles of the tongue.
One of the varieties of such pathology can be a folded tongue. It does not require treatment, provided that there are no red cracks located on the folds or delivering painful sensations.
It is important to remember that in the presence of this problem requires special care. It includes proper oral hygiene. In particular, cleaning not only the teeth, but also the gums and tongue. Otherwise, a person is waiting for sanitation (medical treatment). It is important to note that glossalgia does not go away on its own without proper treatment.
What does glossalgia look like?
The disease often does not manifest itself visually in any way. Changes in the mucous membrane and oral cavity are absent. In some people there may be swelling or plaque on the tongue, as well as hypertrophy of the lingual papillae. One of the main symptoms will be the appearance of cracks, but varicose veins of the tongue are characteristic of older patients.
Establish the presence of small cracks can only be determined by a specialist with the use of instruments.
Large cracks are visible visually. But this is a great rarity. They resemble longitudinal or transverse ulcers. Externally, they resemble clefts. It seems that the tongue is cracked in half. In this case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is a high risk that an infection will get inside, which can lead to an inflammatory process.
Types of glossalgia
Let’s consider the types of the disease according to the form of course.
Quickly develops and has a pronounced allergic reaction. The most dangerous form, since it can block the airways.
Inflammation is formed as a consequence of prolonged exposure to an irritant. In this case, very deep cracks on the tongue are characteristic.
Hairy, or villous
In this case, the papillae increase in size and form a semblance of hairs. As a rule, it develops in the middle of the tongue. Often occurs as a consequence of long-term medication, metabolic disorders and in the presence of fungal infection. Associated symptoms: changes in the perception of taste, burning.
In addition to the presence of cracks, there will be other symptoms – burning, painful sensations and changes in the color of the tongue. It occurs as a result of traumatization, allergies or deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. As a result, the papillae atrophy. Because of this, the surface becomes smooth and cracks are formed.
Here the cracks will be in the form of lines and furrows. Externally, they resemble a geographical map. The area of inflammation often changes: some areas are recovering, while others are inflamed. Because of what this type is also called migratory. The location will be closer to the root.
Visually, the cracks resemble a geometric figure, most often a rhombus. Defects are located in the center of the tongue. This type is characterized by constant recurrences. Often the cause is fungal infections.
This is a congenital feature. It is located in the center of the tongue, from which the folds emanate in different directions. Not dangerous unless it harbors bacteria that can cause inflammation.
This glossitis has cracks, changes in the color of the tongue (to scarlet) and structure (becomes smooth). It is important to note that the shade can be changed both at the tip and the entire area. In addition to cracks, there will be tingling and burning sensations. It is mainly formed as a disorder of vitamin B12 absorption.
Develops after a syphilitic lesion in the human body. The danger lies in the fact that over time the mobility of the tongue decreases. This is due to the fact that without treatment, the muscle tissue is replaced by connective tissue.
Here, in addition to cracks, white spots appear on the tongue, on the inside of the cheeks and in other areas of the oral cavity. Their hue can be uniform or heterogeneous. The diseases that cause such symptoms include benign oncology. In any case, the doctor will first send for a biopsy.
Burning mouth syndrome
Glossalgia occurs with sensations such as burning on the tongue and in the entire mouth. It develops quickly and without any cause. It is accompanied by painful sensations. It is important to pay attention to such a symptom as dry mouth. Among the pathologies that provoke the development of this disease, diabetes mellitus, fungal or viral infection, deficiency of vitamins and trace elements (in particular iron, folic acid, B vitamins) are called.
This is an atypical enlargement of the tongue. Swelling is accompanied by difficulty in pronunciation, the presence of snoring, wounds and cracks are formed. The disease can be caused by congenital or acquired pathologies. These include Down syndrome, endocrine pathologies and oncology.
What symptoms will there be, in addition to cracks?
Most often patients complain of:
- burning;
- tingling;
- discomfort during eating or talking;
- itching;
- numbness of the tip or the entire tongue;
- decreased salivation;
- decreased soreness in the tongue area;
- swelling.
Symptoms may be constant or may appear or disappear. Patients also often notice dryness in the oral cavity, fatigue during conversation. It is worth noting that with fatigue and nervous excitement, the symptoms become more pronounced.
It is important to consider that the pain characteristic of glossalgia does not have a pronounced focus. It can appear in one place, then disappear and appear in another.
What can provoke the appearance of cracks on the tongue?
The causes of glossalgia are many. It can be completely different diseases. They include:
- Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke;
- encephalitis;
- neurosyphilis;
- trauma to the oral mucosa;
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis);
- disorders in the hypothalamus;
- side effects of medications;
- deficiency of nutrients, in particular iron, vitamin PP and B vitamins;
- anemia;
- allergies to toothpaste or medications;
- impaired capillary blood flow in the tongue;
- viral infections;
- the presence of improperly fitted dentures.
Swelling and, as a consequence, cracks on the sides can indicate various diseases of the thyroid gland. Also the source of the problem are worms. Parasitic worms exhaust the human body.
However, most often the cause is a combination of disorders of the nervous system, vascular lesions and diseases of the digestive system. Often the ailment appears after disorders of the autonomic nervous system.
What kind of doctor to turn to?
First of all, it is important to correctly classify this disease and not to confuse it with others. Therefore, it is worth choosing an experienced dentist or neurologist who is able to recognize this disease.
Diagnosis and treatment
The main diagnostic criterion for glossalgia is the discrepancy between the sensations and the intensity of the impact. Therefore, the doctor needs to clearly distinguish glossalgia from other diseases of the tongue caused by trauma, neuralgia and other causes. In addition to examination by a specialist, a comprehensive blood test may be prescribed to identify the deficiency of trace elements and vitamins that are lacking in the patient’s body.
Treatment begins with the sanitation of the oral cavity: getting rid of tooth decay, replacement of improperly installed or poor-quality dentures that interfere with the formation of a healthy bite, replacement of fillings.
In addition, the dentist will additionally recommend that the patient visit such specialists as a neurologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist. Treatment consists in acting on the areas that cause painful symptoms. Often the doctor can prescribe the intake of drugs and vitamin complexes. These are means to improve blood circulation in the tissues of the oral cavity and the general cerebral circulation. For example, trental, cavinton, nicotinic acid, vitamin C. Or such complexes as bromine, iron, tranquilizers, sedatives, various B vitamins, vitamin A solution.
Quite often additionally prescribed reflexotherapy, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, hirudotherapy or electroneurostimulation with the help of a device CHENS, electrophoresis, ionophoresis of novocaine.
If there is a goal – to improve the state of the autonomic nervous system, then tincture of valerian, motherwort can be prescribed. If there is severe pain, the doctor can prescribe local anesthetics (dicaine and lidocaine).
Also, in order not to cause more discomfort with fissures, the doctor will advise you to exclude alcohol, acidic juices, salty and spicy foods from your diet. A complete refusal of any spices is recommended. After each meal, you should make a gargle. You can even use folk remedies. This can be oak bark, sage, propolis. Another tip will be the refusal of smoking.
Is there a prevention?
To prevent the disease, it is recommended to adhere to a “soft” diet: refuse too salty and spicy food and hard products. Also limit the use of alcohol, acidic juices and fruits.
An important element of prevention is the timely replacement of fillings, dentures, elimination of chipped enamel and treatment of tooth decay. It is recommended to visit the dentist regularly for preventive checkups.