Why does my back hurt?
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, neurologist, chiropractor
Why is this ailment so common? First of all, it is due to the low physical activity of modern people, but there may be very serious reasons associated with diseases of the spine, muscles, joints, internal organs or with psychosomatics. The most common are the following:
1. Muscle strain
Overstretching or stretching of the back muscles occurs due to lifting weights, coughing, sneezing, sitting in the wrong posture for a long time or sudden movement.
The load on the spine must be distributed correctly. Otherwise, there is a risk of micro-tearing of muscle fibers, injury to vertebrae and ligaments. Why is this important? We have elastic disks made of cartilage and gelatinous content. They provide cushioning for walking, as well as flexibility and mobility for the spine.
If damage accumulates, spasms occur. This leads to poor circulation and constant pain.
2. Intervertebral herniation
Discs act as a buffer and shock absorber between the vertebrae, due to which the flexibility of the spine is ensured. A herniated disc is a condition in which the soft contents of a disc extrude through the damaged shell and compress neighboring nerves or the spinal cord.
Why does a herniated disc occur? From the unnatural position of the skeleton. The vertebrae are constantly under pressure. Exacerbate the situation overweight, age, autoimmune diseases and impaired metabolism. This can result in acute back pain, as well as numbness or weakness in the extremities.
3- Myalgia
This is an inflammation of the skeletal muscles that most often occurs due to infection, injury, autoimmune disease, or medication.
In this diagnosis, a person experiences severe pains. They can be aching, blunt, intense, sharp and unremitting. Unpleasant sensations are manifested when pressing, during movement, as well as in a calm state.
Myalgia is dangerous, because due to spasms there is compression of blood vessels. Thus, intervertebral discs lose elasticity and shrink, there is a risk of intervertebral hernia.
4. Scoliosis
This is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, expressed by the lateral curvature of the spine. Scoliosis can be congenital or acquired.
With this disease, there is an increased risk of forming body asymmetry, chest deformity and back pain. Scoliosis can cause problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, deterioration of posture and even gait.
5. Pathologies of internal organs
Back pain can be a reflection of diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, pancreas, lungs and other organs. Inflammation and infection of these organs are accompanied by discomfort in the lumbar or scapular area. Other symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, and blood in the urine are often present.
The above diseases manifest themselves differently depending on the cause and localization of discomfort and spasms. Common symptoms include:
- Back pain of varying intensity and character (sharp, aching, stabbing, etc.);
- limitation of mobility of the spine and joints;
- numbness, tingling or weakness in the extremities;
- changes in posture or leg length;
- worsening of general well-being (fever, sweating, loss of appetite, etc.);
- tightness, feeling of tension;
- increase in temperature;
- decreased muscle tone.
- Goosebumps or burning sensation.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, doctor-neurologist, algologist GUTA CLINIC
In the presence of back pain, a complex treatment is prescribed. It is this approach usually helps to get rid of both the cause and the symptoms. A set of methods is selected purely individually and strictly after a number of tests. What do they include?
First of all, a general and neurological examination is carried out. The latter consists of an assessment of sensory and motor functions. Often studies are prescribed: general and biochemical blood tests.
In addition, an X-ray, CT or MRI of the spine, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. May send and on ultrasound Dopplerography (ultrasound Doppler) of the vessels of the neck and brain. Electromyography will help to understand the quality of conduction of nerve impulses through muscle fibers.
Based on the results of studies, the doctor selects an effective treatment. As a rule, a whole scheme is prescribed.
Drug therapy
This can be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, muscle relaxants, as well as vitamin complexes. They are selected by the doctor on the basis of the results of the examination.
Medical-medical blockades
The essence of this method is the introduction of injections directly into the focus of pain. Local anesthetics, chondroprotectors (a group of drugs), steroidal or vascular drugs are used.
Courses of physiotherapy
A very effective method. Tangible results are noted after the first procedures, but to maintain the effect for a long time, it is necessary to take a full course. This can be:
1. Sinusoidal modulated currents. Due to minimal resistance from the soft tissues is a deep penetration into the focus. Currents promote the formation of biologically active substances. They are exactly and suppress pain.
2. Magnetolaser therapy. Spasms are affected by both magnetic fields and laser beams. They improve blood circulation in the tissues, change the osmotic pressure in the capillaries, so that the analgesic effect is enhanced.
3. Shockwave therapy. Treatment occurs due to the impact of low-frequency acoustic waves. They “collide” with tissues, releasing energy. This contributes to improving microcirculation, reducing inflammation.
It affects the intervertebral discs, relieves spasms and tension. As a result, pain in the muscles and joints, adhesions between superficial and deep muscles, fatigue is reduced, the back relaxes, accelerates the work of the lymphatic system.
Manual therapy
In a classic massage, there is an impact on stagnation and muscle spasms. A chiropractor works on joints, including intervertebral joints.
Acupuncture needles send an impulse to the brain that overrides pain signals. This is how perennial muscle clamps go away. The method helps to activate blood circulation and significantly reduce the load on the spine.
LFK (physical therapy)
The peculiarity of our body is that bone and cartilage tissues do not have their own blood vessels. Nutrition is carried out only at the expense of vessels in the muscles. Physical exercises help to activate this process. They increase blood circulation, improve metabolism, stretch muscles, relieve spasms, reduce the load on the spine and joints.
Surgical treatment
This method is rarely used. As a rule, when the pain spreads to the extremities and damage to the nerve tissue in the spine, as well as in the absence of effect and the presence of compression of the nerve root.
Often the intervention is carried out with the help of modern techniques of minimally invasive surgery. Such a method can even return the displaced vertebra to its natural position.
First of all, this is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, in particular, adequate regular physical activity. Swimming is considered the most effective way to relieve back pain.
When in the water, the muscles work intensely and without verticalization. This contributes to the normalization of all structures of the spine, the release of nerves, and, consequently, and the cessation of their compression.
Consuming plenty of clean drinking water can also be recommended as a way to relieve pain. This is because the electrolyte balance is normalized, hence the conduction of nerves.
If you have already faced back pain, then avoid traumatization, do not lift heavy weights. Overweight people may be advised to reduce excess body weight. Be less nervous, remember to rest, eat right and get regular check-ups with your doctor.
When sitting, it is important to know a few rules:
- It is necessary to sit in the right position.
- The spine should be straight and the shoulders should be relaxed. Purchase a chair with a spinal support feature.
- The load should be distributed evenly on both buttocks, so your lower back will be relieved. Take frequent breaks where you can do simple exercises.
- Ideally, buy shoes with shock-absorbing soles or insoles.
- It is important to choose a flat and firm surface for sleeping. Use a small pillow that will support your neck well.