Instead of pliƩ: 5 kung fu stances that will help tighten your inner thighs

Everything new is the well forgotten old. Back in the eighteenth century, a French writer said. This exact thought can be applied to many areas of life. Sports will not be an exception. While some “reinvent the wheel” and invent original ways to pump muscles, others skillfully borrow exercises from related disciplines.

In training for stretching have long been used ballet movement plie – squatting on bent and apart legs, which has proven its effectiveness. Martial arts, particularly oriental martial arts, are also ideal for this purpose.

The culture and philosophy of Chinese martial artists are known throughout the world and have been around for several millennia. As recognized by the followers of the style of kung fu, martial arts for them is more than just a set of exercises and pumping power. This is the education of fortitude, resilience and internal discipline. Agree that the ideas echo the motives in sports.

Based on these theses, you can draw a parallel, why borrowing from martial arts is very useful for achieving sports success.

At the link told, about the ancient practice of qigong, which will replace many types of training.

What is kung fu?

This is an ancient Chinese style of martial arts, uniting a whole family of rules of combat. But not only the way to defeat the opponent is embedded in the eastern philosophy of this direction. Kung Fu originated as a form of physical culture of the nation. That is why it has so many references to sports.

However, despite the solid age, the mass distribution of martial arts received thanks to the actor, follower and fan of the style – Bruce Lee. It was he who drew a lot of attention of the world community to kung fu. For what so far all those who somehow love the philosophy of China, martial arts, and simply people engaged in physical activity, say thank you to him.

There is an opinion that wushu and kung fu are separate categories in martial arts. Originally in China, the two concepts were not separated. Both words meant the same rules and techniques of combat. The only difference is the way the words are used. But some experts find a difference in the definition. Wushu they call the whole system of martial arts, and kung fu – just the skills that were obtained as a result of enhanced training.

In fact, there are no differences. The two words mean the same concept, but for some it is more familiar or sympathetic to use one of them. In the West, the concept of kung-fu is well established, it is the most popular here.

The origins of the word can be found in the meaning of “gung-fu” – the master’s achievement of success through hard work and overcoming. Each movement is honed, practiced, and to perform it, it is necessary to prepare the base – to stretch every muscle of the body. Without a base it is impossible to do even the simplest stances. That is why the elements of martial arts can be safely adopted by coaches in sports practice.

About what Bruce Lee is famous for, read at the link.

How to correctly do the stances in kung fu?

For the uninitiated person, movements in martial arts are incomprehensible movements with sound in space. Yes, and also the names have strange images. But behind the screen of show and attention-getting effect hides a lot of physical work.

In kung fu stance is a special step, which varies in shape and size. Perform the stances in dynamics. This is the main feature of the exercises. Mastery is achieved by long and rather monotonous work.

There are two ways of practicing the stance:

  • A long stay in the position – about five minutes. Here coordination and patience are well developed;
  • quick movement from one pose to another, where it is important to keep balance and not to confuse the elements.
Vyacheslav Morozov

Master (“Sifu”) Kung Fu, Wing Chun style

You can train in static mode, holding a stance and gradually lowering your center of gravity, transferring it from one foot to the other. Change from the right foot to the left foot. Over time, you can train in dynamic mode: change stances by jumping and making quick movements. Add hand and foot strikes to the stances – this will make the training more interesting. Then start studying training complexes: the system of Shaolin exercises “taolu”, “Long Fist of the North” and “Short Fist of the South”.

If at first it will seem impossible to combine the poses, after a while the connections between the stances will be better and better. In the process of training will be able to build up speed, stability and coordination. Exercises are performed with clenched fists at the waist. In all techniques, the main thing is accuracy and skill.

What stands are there?

In the style there are more than 100 positions. Let’s analyze the main and most famous. The differences lie in the way of execution. They will have their own height, and each involves different muscle groups. However, in almost all of them, the emphasis is placed precisely on the legs.

As before any complex exercises, it is necessary to do a warm-up – warm up the muscles. This will help to avoid injuries and tears. Do not rush into battle without first preparing the body. Warm-up should include running, jumping, joint gymnastics and exercises to develop the elasticity of ligaments. There are many options. Choose what you like best.

Start with simple movements. Break down complex ones into easy ones. Avoid unnatural twisting of the joints – this is one of the causes of injury.

Mabu pose.

Ideal as an element for a set of exercises to pump the inner part of the thigh. As it maximizes the use of leg muscles and breathing practices.


  • Put your feet shoulder-width apart, with feet parallel to each other. After bending the knees. Do not forget to watch the body and legs. Knees should not go beyond the toes, hips are placed in the same plane.
  • Distribute the center of gravity evenly on the legs. Clenched into fists hands should be held along the waist, elbows pulled back.
  • Work out the stand should be several times a day, if you want to professionally master the martial art.
  • For additional stretching, you can perform several approaches during the complex of exercises. Start small – for the first attempts try to stay in the “Mabu” stand for no more than a minute. Then gradually increase the time spent in this position. On average, 3-5 minutes is enough.
  • Do not forget to watch your breathing and the correct position of the body. The effectiveness of the exercise directly depends on these factors.

Typical mistakes: burying the knees in the middle, tilting the body forward or backward, separation of the feet, sagging of the hip joint.

Gunbu (Archer) stance


  • Go into a deep lunge forward with the left foot. The width of the step should exceed five times the size of the foot. The leg standing in front, bend at the knee, so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. The toe is turned inward at an angle of 30 degrees.
  • Watch the knee – it should not go beyond the level of the toe.
  • The leg standing behind should be straightened at the knee. The feet are parallel to each other. Watch the body, it is turned forward. The shoulders are lowered and separated.

Typical mistakes: the bodyis strongly tilted forward, the heel of the foot, set back, raised above the floor.

Shubu stance (“Empty stance”)

This position is difficult for beginners. It should only be practiced once you have developed a certain skill. From the athlete will require leg strength and the ability to keep balance.


  • Spread your legs apart. Sit down on one of them, slightly bent at the knee. Socks are turned outward at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The weight of the body is transferred to the bent leg. The other leg is also bent at the knee and placed in front of you on the toe.
  • Keep your back straight, tilt the body forward in the lower back. The toe of the foot standing in front is in line with the heel of the foot standing behind.

Typical mistakes: straightening the leg standing in front, spreading the knees apart, lack of control over the back, shifting the center of gravity – transferring it to the leg standing in front.

Poubou stance.

In wrestling, it is used for low kicks. In sports it can be used for effective muscle stretching.


  • Spread your legs wide, sit on one of them, so that the heel is in contact with the buttocks. Turn the knee outward. The weight of the body is transferred to the bent leg.
  • Straighten the other leg and put it aside, turn the foot inward. Make sure that the feet stand firmly on the surface.
  • Turn the body to the straightened leg. The back should be straight.

Typical mistakes: the heel of the bent leg comes off the surface, the body is strongly tilted forward. The foot of the straightened leg turns outward, the knee of the bent leg is directed inward.

Dingbu Stance (“Front Step”)

In wrestling this position is used as an intermediate position when moving with a block.


  • Put the legs together, sit down slightly, bending the legs in the knees. It is important to keep the body straight.
  • Put the foot of one leg on the tips of the toes, the thigh should be parallel to the surface.
  • The other limb stands tightly with the entire foot on the ground. It takes the entire center of gravity.

Typical mistakes: athletes do not follow the position of the feet, spreading them apart, tilting the body forward, the foot stands not on the toes, but on the toe.

Here are just a few exercises from the ancient oriental martial arts, which can be adopted to effectively pump the inner surface of the thigh.

Before you start exercising, we advise you to consult your trainer. Since you may have questions and misunderstandings about how to get into the correct stance. Communicating with a professional will help you learn how to do exercises correctly and safely, choose the most suitable ones and avoid injuries. Kung Fu is not just martial arts and sports, but also energy work and achieving inner harmony.

Read about how qigong helps to improve mental health at the link.
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