16 movies that will not let you fall into autumn depression and motivate to do things

16 movies that will not let you fall into autumn depression and motivate you to do things

Movies that will put you in the mood for work

This weekend, watch movies about athletes, careerists and a famous writer.

In the fall, it’s tempting to cover yourself with a soft blanket and brew some hot chocolate, even if you’ve never been sentimental before. We suggest keeping a few motivating and inspiring movies on your “to watch” list. Today, a screenwriter shares his favorite movies for fall evenings with us.

Catherine Heyzerich

screenwriter, author of books

I notice a romantic mood behind me, too. And though I make my living with stories, discipline doesn’t hurt. Then I watch movies with goal-oriented careerists.

For female audiences, I recommend “The Intern,” “The Devil Wears Prada” and “Good Morning.” All three films are about girls who give all of themselves to work and get a brilliant result. At the end of the movies, you want to start life anew. Or at least unclutter the closet!

Another movie that can inspire, if not for feats, then for a new round of career and creativity was “The Smile of Mona Lisa” starring Julia Roberts. The story about courage, art and the fight for their rights will not leave a chance for fall depression.

Men will be curious to watch the movies “Stringer”, “Coach” and… Yes, a movie about bad boys! Well, doesn’t it make you want to get off the couch after a badass “Trumps”, a movie like “Legend” or “Rock and Roll Man”? Who could be more dedicated to a job than the people who risk their lives for it every day?

Everyone who stands on the threshold of despair, but still refuses to take failure as a given will be perfectly suited for the movie “Catcher in the Rye”. This is a story about the life of writer Jerome Salinger, who gave the world one of the most important teenage novels, about his wanderings, failures and faith in his talent. A very inspiring and motivating movie.

Personally, I love the comedy Parks and Recreation, The Office, the old IT crowd series (The Computer People), The Morning Show, Silicon Valley and Force Majeure. If these don’t help motivation either, don’t push yourself. Watch what you like. After all, no matter how much we want to, the state of flow in work is hardly controllable, otherwise we would all be Einsteins and Ilon Masks.

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