A neurologist has named 6 food groups that can trigger migraines

Marina Vasilenko

neurologist-algologist, head of the Pain Research Center of JSC Medicine

Headaches are the most common neurological condition that occurs at any age. Fortunately, in 95% of cases the pain is not dangerous, but it significantly reduces the quality of life. I will tell you how to adjust your lifestyle to avoid the ailment.

The main cause of headaches is genetic predisposition. However, external factors can also cause unpleasant sensations.

Lack or excess of sleep, intense physical activity, change of time zones, bright light, strong odors, change of weather, stress and hunger can cause malaise.

According to statistics from the American Academy of Neurology, 10% of the population experiences headaches due to the food they consume.

Since we are all individual, it is impossible to define a clear and uniform list of food provocateurs for all. You need to monitor your own sensations and see if you have a reaction when consuming a particular food.

Nevertheless, it is possible to predict the foods that can provoke a migraine.

Beverages with caffeine

Coffee, cola, tea – are capable of causing headaches both if you drink too many portions and when you drastically reduce their consumption.

If there are diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular system, caffeine can provoke a migraine, lethargy, fatigue and will only worsen well-being.

This is why it is not recommended to overdo it with these drinks. If you notice at least one of the above symptoms, then you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Products containing tyramine

Among them – brie, blue cheese, cheddar, gorgonzola, parmesan, mozzarella, olives, sauerkraut, tea mushroom.

In a previous piece, we told you whether cheese causes nightmares. Some in their disturbing dreams blame it exactly.

Tyramine is formed during the breakdown of proteins in the aging process of products. That is, the “older” the food, the more of this substance in it.

Its role in the appearance of migraine is controversial, and yet doctors believe that tyramine can cause an increase in blood pressure, dilate the blood vessels of the brain.


Red wine, champagne, whiskey – act as a trigger for people suffering from migraine. This is due to the tannins that are found in the drinks. Including alcohol is a major source of tyramine.


In addition to caffeine, the product contains beta-phenylethylamine, which dilates blood vessels. This, in turn, can cause headaches.

Foods containing monosodium glutamate

These include snacks, sauces, sausages and sausages, and ham. In addition to glutamate itself being a trigger, potassium glutamate, monosodium caseinate, hydrolyzed protein are used instead, which also cause migraines.

Foods containing monosodium glutamate cause “sausage” headaches. Read more about it here.

Salty foods

Increases blood pressure, thereby causing headaches. Especially dangerous are salty processed foods that additionally contain preservatives.

Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to urgently abandon the listed products. But to know them and in case of pain to exclude – it is necessary. Much more often a migraine attack can cause irregular diet, caffeine exclusion and lack of water.

When you have a migraine, try to reduce the amount of foods containing tyramine, vasoactive substances such as caffeine and alcohol. Relax more, avoid stress and take time to exercise.

Start keeping a headache diary to help you understand what is causing your headaches.

Include the following information in the diary: the time the headache started, its duration and form, an intensity rating on a scale of 1 to 10, suspected triggers, and medications the person has taken to manage the headache attack.

This information will allow the physician to create a more effective headache treatment strategy and make life easier for the patient.

The link told whether it is necessary to take pills if you have a headache.
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