Circle training with expanders from the absolute world champion in bodybuilding

Circle training with espanders from the absolute world champion in bodybuilding

Workout from fitness models

Anastasia Lukshinova shares exercises that will allow you to get on the path of a fitness model without leaving home.

How to train with expanders? What exercises can be done at home?

Shows the absolute world champion in the category “Fit Model”.

Every year, more and more people are favoring working from home. Moreover, this trend has only been growing in the last couple of years due to the pandemic. However, this is not at all a reason to say goodbye to dreams of a trim and slim figure.

We suggest that this time you try working out with espanders. This is an elastic band for strength training, with which you can pump all muscle groups.

Anastasia Lukshinova

absolute world champion in the “Fit Model” category.

When working out with espanders, adjust the load to your needs.

Half-bent pull

This exercise helps to work the glutes and the back of the thigh.


  • Stand on the espander, transfer the body weight to the heels, slightly bend the legs at the knees.
  • Cross grip the edges of the espandex (left handle – in the right hand, right handle – in the left hand).
  • Lift the body by squeezing the buttocks.

Perform three approaches of 15 times.

Shoulder swings

Take a lighter rubber band than for the previous two exercises.


  • Stand on the espander, feet shoulder-width apart, body and knees straightened.
  • Take hold of the handles of the espandex.
  • Take turns swinging both straight arms in front of you and then to the sides. Do not raise your arms too high.

Perform three sets of 15 exercises.

Buttock-accentuated backswing

Change the attachment of the expander to one that is adapted for attaching to the legs. Wrap the projectile around the leg of the sofa or bed, both ends fasten on the ankle of one leg.


  • Stand facing the expander at such a distance that it does not lie on the floor.
  • Rest your hands on something in front of you. Keep your back straight, lean forward, shoulder blades aligned.
  • Pull your straight leg back to about the same level as your back and pelvis. Hold at the highest point for a second. After that, bring your leg back down without standing on it.

Perform three approaches of 15 times.

Training is over.

For more detailed exercises, see the video on “Championship”.

Source: MuscleRussia.

Training in this way, you can achieve high results without leaving home. All you need is time and desire. After all, as we know, everything is in our hands. An espander and a beautiful figure for sure.

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