How do you recognize bipolar disorder? 9 warning signs

Various fluctuations in the psycho-emotional state of people began to be studied only at the end of the XIX century. The first mention of the pathology dates back to 1778, when Protestant John Haslem drew attention to the symptoms. Then he was joined by French psychiatrist Jean-Etienne Esquirol, who studied the signs of PD. True, back then it was called “partial insanity”. Today, effective methods of struggle have been developed to weaken the manifestation of the disease. As a result, the quality of life is improved.

What is bipolar disorder?

Jana Ryabets

psychologist, NLP master, family psychologist.

This is a mental illness characterized by periodic changes in mood and behavior. It is also called manic-depressive disorder. It is worth noting that it is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world.

A person with this diagnosis feels like he is on a roller coaster, which he does not like. The patient feels euphoria, scientifically called a “manic episode”, when the world is colored with the brightest colors. The mood is excellent, enthusiasm and joy overflows, physical activity increases without much difficulty. Everything works out with ease and freedom, as if all problems and worries have disappeared. Or, on the contrary, the individual acts with a feeling of intense excitement, as if before an important event.

Then comes a period of deep depression with a bad mood. This is accompanied by a loss of interest in life and loss of joy from familiar activities. Feelings of helplessness, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite and energy are also activated.

The period of deep depression, scientifically – “depressive episode”, in bipolar disorder can be compared with darkness and hopelessness. They encompass the patient, not allowing him to “see the light at the end of the tunnel”. This state can last for long periods of time and cause severe physical and emotional pain. Unfortunately, it is uncontrollable.

What types are there?

There are several types of bipolar disorder that differ in the duration of episodes, frequency of occurrence, and severity of symptoms.

Type 1

Characterized by manic episodes lasting at least a week and depressive episodes lasting at least two weeks. There are often periods of normal mood in between.

Type 2

This differs from type 1 in that there are no manic episodes but hypomanic episodes. They last at least four days. Hypomania is a state of elevated mood and energy, but not as pronounced as in euphoria.

Type 3

Also distinguish cyclothymia. This is a milder form of PD. It is characterized by periods of euphoria and depression for at least two years. However, the manifestations are less pronounced.

What phases are there?

There are several phases of personality disorder.

Depressive. The patient feels depressed mood, despondency. Often complains of lack of strength and concentration. Little sleep and eating. At the peak of PD, depersonalization and derealization also occur. As a result – difficulty in perceiving what is happening.

Manic. Patients are overflowing with energy, there is a feeling of happiness, euphoria and nervous excitement. They have a very high self-esteem. What is the danger of this? In this phase, the person is promiscuous. For example, spends all the money, there is delusion of grandeur in communication, he makes serious decisions without thinking about the consequences, he can not relax.

Mixed. Often there are manifestations of both depression and mania at the same time with frequent changes of the two phases during one year.

Remission. This is the interval between depression and mania. The individual is in a relatively stable state where emotions are under control.

How do I recognize bipolar disorder?

If you think a loved one is ill, pay attention to the following telltale signs:

1. Abrupt changes in mood: periods of euphoria alternate with periods of depression and apathy.

2 Changes in behavior: a person may become more active, talkative, aggressive or, conversely, withdrawn, inert and indifferent.

3. sleep disorders: lack of need for sleep during periods of euphoria, as well as insomnia during periods of depression.

4. Loss of interest in life and enjoyment of previously favorite activities.

5. Decreased energy and stamina.

6. Decreased concentration, memory, and decision-making ability.

7. Suicidal thoughts and attempts.

8. Appetite disorders: weight loss or gain during periods of depression or euphoria.

9. Alcohol or drug abuse.

Causes of bipolar disorder

It is worth noting that the causes of this disorder to date have not been fully studied. At the same time, there are several factors that can affect its appearance. These include.

Genetic factor, that is, heredity. If one of the parents suffers from this disease, the probability of its appearance in children is about 15-25%. A rarer case is when both parents suffer from bipolar disorder. Then the chances of its formation in children increase to 50-75%.

Disruption of the chemical balance in the brain. A deficiency or excess of certain neurotransmitters can cause mood changes and increased irritability.

Stress and trauma. Severe stress, trauma, or the loss of a loved one can be a catalyst for the onset of PD.

Drug and alcohol use. These factors can cause changes in brain function, which in turn lead to the development of a mental illness.

How is it treated?

All treatment is aimed at helping the patient: to alleviate and reduce symptoms, to improve quality of life, to adapt to life with PD. And most importantly, to prevent relapses. Bipolar disorder is only treated with professional methods and a highly skilled team of medical and psychotherapeutic professionals. What does help include? Taking medication and psychotherapy.

It is important to realize that this is a long process that requires patience and perseverance. Following your doctor’s recommendations, taking medication regularly, and participating in psychotherapy can help you achieve excellent results.

Remember that the disease can lead to serious consequences. Up to suicidal thoughts and attempts to realize it, problems with social adaptation and difficulties in personal relationships. Therefore, it is important to seek help from a specialist if you suspect that you or someone close to you is showing signs.

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