How to work less and get more: 4 main mistakes of all workaholics

Stanislav Kuzavov

business coach, mentor to business owners and top executives on personal strategy

Many of us grew up with the attitude that you can only make a lot of money by working hard and tirelessly. However, it is not uncommon for people who work diligently and perform their duties with real quality to earn much less than those who are involved in other areas and do not work as tirelessly.

Why does this happen?

We live in the paradigm that you can get a lot of money only by working hard, and we judge those who get money more easily than we do.

In reality, many of us can work less and get more. To do this, we just need to figure out where our focus of attention is. Take an inventory of personal resources and identify hidden potential. This will help us figure out how to start earning without slipping into workaholism.

Workaholics may indeed earn more than the “hospital average” in some cases, but they often have another problem – this money brings no joy. Being completely exhausted, they are simply unable to spend it. What mistakes do people who choose this strategy make?

4 mistakes all workaholics make

I encourage you not to overwork, but to really try to find a balance between rest and work. Pay attention to the mistakes you make time after time. They are often the reason why the scales tip towards workaholism.

1. taking on too much work

Acting according to the attitude “a lot of work = a lot of money”, many people fail to take on new responsibilities, new tasks, new clients. All this can bring money, of course, but it also brings fatigue and lack of time for hobbies, family, friends. Everything but work.

Don’t be afraid to say no, delegate tasks or postpone something for later, putting less rigid deadlines. In this way, work will be a pleasure and will not turn into a torment.

Another option is to increase the rate, work with clients who can pay more: this way the amount of work will remain the same, but earnings will increase.

2. Working non-stop

Have you noticed that more and more often you devote all day to work, even forgetting to eat? Of course, everyone has busy days, but if every working day becomes like this… This is a signal to slow down and think about redistributing your workload. Pauses are a must.

3. You think burnout won’t affect you

Burnout is the most common “complication” of workaholism. All or almost all workaholics face it. People, even realizing that they are already tired of work, continue to work, literally forcing themselves and forbidding themselves any indulgence. And “over the soul” usually no one stands. A person forces himself.

Because of burnout we lose interest in work and life. Tasks that we used to be passionate about become uninteresting. Activities that used to bring pleasure become irritating.

It is important not to ignore burnout. We need to allow ourselves pauses, rest, vacations. You should not blame yourself for the fact that you “do nothing”. Such moments are also necessary and very important.

4. Do not understand why you need money

It is not uncommon for a person to strive to “earn a lot”, but at the same time has no idea what he will spend these sums on. Often people are simply unprepared to manage large cash flows. They want “big money” purely theoretically.

It is important to understand why you need this or that income. It is also necessary to determine what exactly the amounts needed.

After such a reset of thinking and competent goal setting, making money will be a less agonizing process. Now you will focus on goals, realizing that earning is just a tool.

Both time and money

How to find harmony? Learn to be productive and remember to live life?

It’s important for any of us to learn how to recover. If we master this science, we can easily switch from work to rest, and life in general will become more productive. This means that after a busy day at work we won’t fall into a deep sleep, and on the weekends we will be able to do something that we and our family enjoy. These days will no longer feel like just a welcome respite.

Pay attention to: sleep and rest patterns, your diet, your social circle and the information you consume. For some people it is important to disconnect from the news for at least a day, others are helped by sports, others are “energized” by meetings with friends or walks in the woods. Find your “tool” and don’t forget to use it.

If you recover properly and in a timely manner, your work process will become more productive. It is possible that the problem with overwork will resolve itself (or at least will be less acute).

Try to find harmony with yourself, abandoning senseless prohibitions and restrictions. Set specific goals. Under such conditions, earning money is more likely from the format of an eternal race will grow into a natural course of life.

Block money flows can be imposed in childhood attitudes. Which ones? Look for a list of dangerous ones here.
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