Nutriciologist names 7 food groups that have carcinogens hiding in them

Food carcinogens are dangerous to health and increase the risk of cancer. The extent of their involvement in the formation of cancerous tumors continues to be investigated, but today it is already recommended to protect the body from negative effects.

Nata Gonchar

Founder of the International Institute of Integrative Nutritionology

Harmful substances that have a damaging effect on the body can be in many familiar products from the store – I will tell you about the seven most popular.

What are carcinogens?

These are various agents and substances that actively disrupt our DNA, provoking malfunctions in the body’s cells, which often leads to carcinogenesis – the pathophysiological process of cancerous tumor formation and development.

That is, substances are potentially dangerous agents for the body, exposure to which increases the risk of malignant tumor development. In store products they hide under obscure names of food additives, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

But even useful products can become carcinogenic if you use a harmful method of cooking: frying in vegetable oil, deep-frying, canning with vinegar.

The crispy fried crust (fried potatoes, grilled meat) produces toxic compounds:

  • acrylamide;
  • fatty acid metabolites;
  • various aldehydes;
  • benzapyrene.

Toxic compounds are found in fried patties and doughnuts, potato chips, meat cooked on coals.

Exposure to carcinogens increases if the product has been in oil for a long time. Many establishments neglect the norms of sanitary rules and often cook dozens of portions in the same oil.

In such dishes, the concentration of harmful substances is so high that it can cause serious harm to health even with a single use.

Artificial sweeteners

Using artificial sweeteners for weight loss purposes is harmful to the body. Synthetic sugar substitutes found in carbonated drinks, coffee and diet sweets do not help you lose weight, but instead lead to weight gain.

Synthetic substances block the natural process of regulation of food intake, increase cravings for sweets.

Aspartame is a dangerous sugar substitute that can cause cataracts and gastroparesis (digestive disorders), a number of cancers, fetal malformations during pregnancy.

Similar negative properties have saccharin, sucralose and other synthetic sweeteners.

Regular use of sugar substitutes leads to the formation of a dangerous toxin diketopiperazine in the body. This substance increases the risk of cancer, most commonly brain tumors.

Processed cheese

Such products have an increased content of carcinogenic substances: stabilizer sodium pyrophosphate (E450), 5-substituted sodium triphosphate (E451), carrageenan (407), the popular food additive E621 (monosodium glutamate) and many others.

Additives such as E338-341, E407, E450-454 cause digestive upset. E250 is the most toxic and can provoke serious food poisoning.

Potassium nitrate (E252) causes headaches, kidney inflammation and other organ disorders. It is especially dangerous for asthmatics because it can provoke an acute choking attack.

Purified flour

Wheat flour and other types of refined flour are often used in cooking. Such a product has a high content of fast carbohydrates, which sharply raise blood sugar levels and increase insulin production, creating favorable conditions for the development of cancerous tumors and diabetes mellitus.

Regular consumption of foods containing refined white flour increases the risk of breast cancer in women.

What are carbohydrates and what do they contain? Nutriciologist named 22 products at the link.

On a side note, Belgian scientists have proven that malignant tumors feed on sugar from the bloodstream, so avoiding refined foods and pure sugar can help prevent cancer.

Farmed salmon

Fatty varieties of fish are healthy because they contain essential omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, calcium and other important elements. Unfortunately, most of the salmon presented in stores is farm-raised, which reduces its benefits tenfold.

Farm fish is a carcinogenic product, it is fed artificial feed with chemicals, antibiotics, flame retardants, pesticides and other known carcinogens. The listed substances penetrate the fish meat and enter the human body when consumed.

Farmed salmon is fattier, so it absorbs more toxins.

Processed meat products

Sausages, sausages, ham, bacon and processed meats contain chemical preservatives-carcinogens. WHO categorizes all meat products as “Carcinogenic to humans”.

Nitrites give sausage products an appetizing pink color, provide a long shelf life. These chemical compounds under the influence of gastric juice change into carcinogenic nitrosamines, which destructively affect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, provoking the formation of cancerous tumors.

Sodium nitrite (E250) increases the risk of colon, pancreatic and prostate cancer.

I note that red meat (pork, beef, mutton) WHO included in the group of factors “Probably carcinogenic to humans”.

It contains a large amount of hemoglobin, the breakdown of which produces nitro compounds. Such a process damages the intestinal mucosa, triggering mechanisms that lead to the development of cancerous neoplasms.

Daily consumption of only 50 g of sausage increases the probability of cancer of the large intestine by 18%.

Hydrogenated oils

Trans fats are produced chemically with the help of hydrogen. They include various margarines, milk fat substitutes, and other non-natural oils.

Hydrogenated oils are used in the production of many foods to extend their shelf life and maintain their appetizing appearance. Such oils are added to baked goods and pastries, sauces, mayonnaise, prepared breakfast foods, chips, convenience foods, and fast foods.

Consumption of hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable fats changes the structure and elasticity of cell membranes in the body, which leads to cancer, provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Carbonated water with syrup

Sweet carbonated drinks are loaded with empty calories, sugar, food coloring and other carcinogens that serve as food for cancer cells.

The additive E150 (sugar or caramel tint), which is added to lemonades, contains the carcinogen 4-methylimidazole, which can increase the risk of blood cancers, liver and thyroid tumors.

Sweet sodas also contain orthophosphoric acid (E338), which provokes digestive upset.

Can diet sodas be more dangerous to your health than regular sodas? You can find the answer here.

Additives E950 and E951 have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system and can harm the developing fetus in the womb.

The results of studies by scientists from the U.S. and Singapore suggest that drinking two servings of soda a week almost doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer.

How can you protect your body from the effects of carcinogens?

The effects of carcinogenesis and carcinogens can be avoided by maintaining immunity and taking care of your health: it is important to get enough sleep, exercise and eat right.

A strong immune system destroys the malignant cells of carcinogens, protecting the body from developing cancer.

To reduce the penetration of carcinogens into the body, it is necessary to limit their amount and duration of exposure. In this case, compliance with several recommendations will help.

  1. Exclude from your diet products of dubious origin and quality, with a long list of ingredients.
  2. Limit the use of products with preservatives, colorants, trans fats.
  3. Do not overuse fried, smoked, and grilled and open-fire dishes.
  4. Bake meat, fish and other foods instead of frying in oil.
  5. Stop smoking.
  6. Reduce the use of alcohol and alcoholic beverages as much as possible, if possible give them up completely.

To cope with the attack of carcinogens help a nutritious diet and healthy foods. There are a number of products that bind dangerous compounds in the body through chemical reactions or absorb, blocking the negative effects.

Carcinogen sorbents include:

  • fresh cabbage, carrots, beets and fresh juices from these vegetables;
  • porridge on water from buckwheat, oatmeal, rice;
  • green tea;
  • fermented milk products;
  • compote of dried fruits.

Try to eat fresh vegetables and whole-grain porridge daily, because they are excellent protection against the appearance of malignant neoplasms, help to cleanse the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract from accumulated carcinogens.

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