Nutriciologist names 7 food groups that make you sweat at night

Svetlana Perez

certified clinical geneticist, nutritionist, expert of UniProf Academy of Physicians

What foods cause us to sweat at night?

Sweating is the body’s mechanism for timely cooling. Increased sweating in medicine is called hyperhidrosis, it is considered a symptom of serious diseases. But there are also a number of products that can increase sweating without any pathology.

It is especially unpleasant when this condition catches you unawares in public places, at important events or at night. We tell you what foods to avoid before going to bed to avoid sweating at night.

Spicy and hot food

Eating spicy or hot food always raises your body temperature. This activates the thermoregulatory mechanism – self-cooling, i.e. sweating. Spicy food, as well as hot drinks, before going to bed can cause profuse sweating, especially at the time of falling asleep.

In some cases, spicy food should be avoided altogether. In what cases, read in our article.

Coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate, tea

Caffeine-containing drinks, cocoa, liquid chocolate, tea can also stimulate the sweat glands. Large doses of coffee and similar drinks (not only before bedtime) increase blood flow to the kidneys and inhibit sodium absorption. Hence the diuretic effect – excess sodium must be removed from the body – both through frequent trips to the toilet and through the skin with sweat. At the same time, the kidneys especially need support in the evening and at night, when they are working hard.


Can dilate blood vessels, which can also lead to profuse sweating not only in the evening.

Certain spices

Ginger, cumin, cinnamon, honey have vasodilating properties. This helps to increase blood circulation, which means that it creates a warming effect and provokes increased sweating.


They contain high doses of magnesium and B vitamins and can enhance thermoregulation processes. Bananas also contain high amounts of tyrosine, which is good for thyroid and adrenal health. The latter are involved in thermoregulation among other things.

Meat and black beans

Meat (especially red meat) as well as black beans are proteins, which are harder to digest than carbohydrates and some fats. That’s why protein foods give a long-lasting feeling of satiety and pleasant warmth. Meat is rich in iron and B vitamins, which can enhance metabolic processes and increase body heat.

In the evening, the pancreas produces less protease enzyme, so proteins are harder to break down. This, in turn, causes the whole body to become more active, and the likelihood of a rise in body temperature as well as sweating increases.

What meat is better to choose, if you stick to the right diet, read in the material below.

Onions and garlic

Because of their high sulfur content and their burning properties, these vegetables can increase sweating.

Everything is good in moderation. And even the above products with minimal use in the evening is more likely to warm you up a little, rather than make you sweat a lot at night. But of course, you should not abuse them.

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