Perfect abs in 30 days. A challenge that will give relief to your figure

Admit it, everyone would like to have gorgeous abs, and especially when the heat and beaches are ahead of us. Of course, the coming summer will be radically different from the previous one. But that’s no reason to forget about your physical shape. YouTube-blogger Anton Balashov tried a special application for pumping the abs. For a month, he followed the entire training program. Let’s see what came out of it.

What is needed to get rid of excess weight and fat layer?

It would seem obvious things: proper nutrition, sleep patterns, plenty of fluids and regular exercise. In fact, it is very difficult to fulfill all these points. For three weeks of fulfillment of all of the above, Anton Balashov lost five kilograms. The first cubes became visible on the body. After seeing the result, the blogger wanted to improve further and make more relief abs. This is what prompted Anton to download the application “Cubes in 30 days”.

What is the essence of the app?

According to Anton, the app is quite convenient. If you want to pump your abs, you do not have to make a program yourself, look for different exercises for the body, combine them. Each day in the app is already scheduled. Of course, the number of exercises increases with each new day.

The application pursues several goals at once: to remove fat from the abdomen, to make rock-hard abs and cubes. The user can choose any one.

One training day

To demonstrate an approximate plan, let’s tell you about the first day of the proposed workouts. It includes cobra stretch, child’s pose, lying down stretch with left and right rotation, bent leg rotation, double twist, leg swings while lying on your back – some of the suggested workouts are hard to even just hear. In fact, there is nothing complicated in any of them. Everything can be performed at home on an ordinary mat.

Already after the first training week Anton’s abs became much more embossed. We can say that in such a short time the most dramatic changes occurred, and further the blogger simply improved them. By the third week of the Challenge Balashov began to weigh 78 kg. The guy admitted that regular exercise became his habit only on the 22nd day, when the main work, in fact, was done.

To quickly see progress, Anton adjusted his sleep schedule and adhered to a special diet plan. He gave up flour products, sweets and sugar, fatty foods, alcohol and fast food. And the list of products that the blogger advises to add to the menu includes eggs, meat, cottage cheese, milk, fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs, as well as dried fruits. Balashov is sure that without an adjusted diet, he would not have achieved a good result. In addition, the guy drank about two liters of water every day, and one glass – in the morning on an empty stomach.

Final result

Balashov believes that the experience “Make perfect abs in 30 days” can be called a success. Of course, there was a desire to quit training at the very beginning, but the blogger brought it to the end.

On the final day of training, Anton had six cubes and oblique abdominal muscles. All this at a weight of 76 kilograms. Also in the volume added arms and chest, because the guy was working out in parallel on the bar and checking another program of the application. During the month of the challenge and a couple weeks before it, Balashov lost eight kilograms and managed to improve his strength performance, but he has no intention of stopping. “This is not the end, this is just the beginning,” the blogger promised.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:
