Size doesn’t matter? Why you shouldn’t compare muscle size and muscle strength

It is not uncommon to see the following situation in gyms: an experienced bodybuilder with huge muscles squats with a barbell. He manages to get up with great difficulty. And then the same barbell is taken by a person whose muscles do not seem so big. But he squats quite easily.

The fact is that strength does not always directly depend on the volume of muscles. Sergey Skolsky, a professional powerlifter and two-time world champion, will help you understand why.

What does muscle strength depend on?

The larger the size of the muscle, the thicker its fibers. This means that it generates more force when it is tensed. However, there are other factors that affect this indicator.

Nervous system activity

After the appropriate signal is given from the brain, the fibers of the muscle begin to work, as a result of which it contracts. Moreover, the more fibers are involved at this moment, the greater will be the release of force.

Those who train infrequently are not able to engage all muscle fibers. As a rule, only about 90% will be activated during muscle contraction.

This figure can be increased through regular strength training. However, to achieve this effect, high loads are required. With the right program, the number of fibers involved in contraction will increase by more than 2%. If you train with light weights, the increase will be only about 0.15%.

Tendon stiffness

Muscles are attached to bones by tendons, which allow us to move our joints. When a muscle contracts, the energy it creates is transferred to the tendon. The stiffer the tendon, the greater the force.

Tendons can be strengthened if desired – strength training can help. As in the previous case, exercises with heavier weights will have a greater effect.

Ability to use the right muscles

All muscles in the body are interconnected. For example, the hip joint bends with the help of the rectus muscles, and extends with the participation of the gluteal muscles. The shoulder joint is flexed by the biceps, and the triceps is involved in its extension.

Muscles that perform opposite functions are called antagonists.

To get maximum strength, it is necessary to activate the muscles responsible for a particular action. At the same time, their antagonists, on the contrary, should be relaxed – otherwise they will interfere with the movement. If you repeat the same action many times, you can improve your coordination, and it will be easier to activate the right muscle groups.

In complex movements, when several joints are involved, in addition to the main muscles, additional muscles are used – synergists. They are responsible for stability and also help to increase strength. As an example, let’s take squats. In this case, the main muscles will be the leg muscles, and the additional muscles will be the abs. Accordingly, to develop strength, you should work with all the muscles involved in a certain action.

That is why strength training is not characterized by diversity – after all, the essence is in multiple repetitions. In this way, athletes improve specific muscles and develop their strength. While fans of bodybuilding regularly change exercises and training equipment – so muscles do not have time to adapt, which contributes to their faster growth.

How to increase muscle strength and size?

Anyone who wants to develop strength, training with large weights will help. At the same time, the number of repetitions should be minimal. The most optimal option will be 2-5 repetitions within one approach.

For training, you should choose multi-joint movements. They are more effective than isolated exercises aimed at similar muscle groups. In this way, the body relaxes opposing muscles and activates synergistic muscles.

If you are more interested in the size of muscles than in their strength, you should do 8-12 repetitions in one approach. In this case, the weight should be selected in such a way as to cope with the approach.

In addition, to increase muscle volume, you should periodically change the exercises and technique of their performance. For example, you can change the angle of bending or the exercise machine.

What is more important: strength or size?

Many people can not decide what kind of training to pay more attention to: to develop strength or to increase mass. To make a decision will help some features of these activities, which we have described below.

With proper nutrition and a competently constructed training program, exercises aimed at muscle growth will allow you to achieve a strong strong body. Among the characteristic features of such a training process are the following:

  • You will have to regularly change exercises and techniques – this is a great option for those who like variety.
  • To grow muscles more effectively, you need to train a lot. Be prepared – you’ll have to spend a lot of time in the gym.
  • You need to work with small weights. Consequently, the risk of joint damage is lower. Therefore, people of all ages and with any level of fitness can train.

If you want to increase your strength, make your movements more efficient and become more enduring, other workouts are suitable for you. Here are some of their features:

  • The exercises will be monotonous. Typically, only the weight selection will change.
  • Compared to volume training, the number of repetitions, approaches and the exercises themselves will be fewer, so the workouts will be shorter.
  • Very high load on the joints. In order not to get injured, do not forget about warming up and strictly follow the technique. Beginning athletes should contact an instructor and at least the first time to train under the supervision of a professional.

If you have no specific goals, you can train in a mixed mode. Some sessions should be devoted to developing strength, while others should be devoted to increasing muscle volume. Alternate between them as you like.

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