State of flow: 5 signs you’ve caught it, and tips for those who haven’t yet succeeded

A flow state is a situation in which a person is so immersed in his work that he literally stops noticing what is going on around him. He or she is so focused on a particular task that he or she forgets about the passage of time, hunger, and the people around him or her.

In the state of flow a person can experience a wide range of pleasant feelings: happiness, satisfaction, freedom. The process also helps to achieve a sense of self-confidence and to gain control over what has been done.

The term “flow state” itself was discovered and studied by the American psychologist Michael Csikszentmihayi, the founder of positive psychology. He defined such a state as an optimal experience that arises when solving complex, but accessible to perform tasks.

Also, as noted by the psychologist, the case chosen for realization should be interesting, meaningful and exciting for a person. Only when these two components are present can one find a state of flow and demonstrate one’s skills and abilities.

Surely you experienced a similar feeling when you read a fascinating book, played computer games, drew, worked on a large-scale complex project. The process was exciting and you didn’t think about what was moving you at that moment. The state of flow can be experienced in different spheres of life: work, studies, sports, art, hobbies, and so on.

Maximum involvement has a positive effect on the inner state and significantly increases productivity and efficiency. Therefore, people who often experience this state can boast of high results and success.

Why is it so important to get in the flow?

 Stanislav Sambursky

Business and clinical psychologist

The state of flow is not only a pleasant but also useful feeling for a person. It contributes to his inner development and mental health. Deep immersion in work helps to cope with stressful situations and distract from problems. And the feeling of satisfaction from completed tasks fills with hormones of happiness.

There are several more reasons why it’s important to find a state of flow. And all of them prove its positive effects.

  1. Productivity and work efficiency increase. A person in a state of flow is able to work faster, better and with fewer mistakes. He easily copes with complex tasks, finds creative solutions and gets satisfaction from his work.
  2. Mood and emotional well-being improve.
  3. Feelings of joy, pleasure, and freedom appear. The person forgets about his anxieties and fears, feels happy, fulfilled and confident.
  4. Personal growth is noted. In the flow, a person develops his skills, abilities and talents. He concentrates better on goals, reaches them faster. Memory and attention are developed. New opportunities and boundaries are opened.
  5. Immunity increases. In the flow, a person produces five neurochemicals in the brain: noradrenaline, dopamine, endorphins, anandamide and serotonin. They improve the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, and immune system, respectively protecting against depression, disease, and aging.

How to realize that a person is in flow?

It is not difficult to notice the maximum passionate about his work. If we use figurative comparisons, it is as if a person passes into a parallel reality and is shielded by an invisible wall from others. But what does he feel at this moment? What are the internal markers of this state?

  1. A feeling of rising strength and confidence in one’s abilities. A person is not afraid of mistakes or failures, and every failure is an opportunity for growth.
  2. Joy and pleasure from work. Being in a state of flow, a person enjoys the process, not just the result. He has the opportunity to experience the satisfaction of accomplishing a task and achieving a goal. He literally loves his work.
  3. The erasure of time boundaries. In the flow, a person does not register how long he is engaged in the process. He does not notice how quickly or slowly the hours pass.
  4. Leaving physical needs in the background. Being in the flow, a person does not pay attention to hunger, thirst or fatigue.
  5. Having clear and achievable goals. An engaged person knows what he wants and gets direct feedback on his progress. He or she has clear ideas not only about the goal, but also about the means to achieve it.

The state of flow is a very valuable feeling, but unfortunately it is rare. It is not always possible to find enough strength and motivation to fulfill even an interesting task at the moment. In this case, psychological practices will help.

How to enter the state of flow?

Before starting to search for involvement, it is worthwhile to deal with the internal state. Sometimes the loss of energy for the fulfillment of the planned can be associated with the stress experienced, poor health, apathy. In this case, you should first deal with the depressed state and only then move on to the search for a state of flow.

Having dealt with internal problems, it is worth focusing on five basic attitudes. They are described in his book “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience” by Mihai Csikszentmihaii.

1. Self-control

Mihai Csikszentmihai noted that in a state of flow one should not be distracted by external circumstances. You should control the content of your mind while performing any task. Put aside extraneous thoughts – so wrote the psychologist.

Minimizing external interference will allow maximum concentration on the work. External stimuli should not distract from the main business.

2. Willpower and discipline

To feel the state of flow constantly, it is necessary to make considerable willpower. It is necessary to clearly define tasks and perform them regularly. For example, to prepare for an athletic marathon you need to run five kilometers every day. Promise yourself to fulfill your goals.

Develop willpower, analyze what you have done, and look for optimal hours for productive work.

3. motivating environment

Monotonous monotonous work does not allow you to grow and improve. You gradually lose interest in accomplishing tasks. For inspiration and new impulses, step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself, set higher goals.

For athletes, for example, this could be choosing a stronger opponent in a competition or a heavier barbell weight for a weightlifter. The main task is to find new conditions that will lead to positive results.

4. conscious practice

To find a flow state, it is important to set yourself a task a little more challenging than your existing skills. However, it is worthwhile to remain sensible and not overdo the goal setting. A task that is too hard can cause stress.

In order to find a balance and not drive yourself crazy, define a clear result you want to achieve. Write out specific goals and subtasks for your work.

5. Curiosity and personal interest

It is very difficult to get into a state of flow if the process is not exciting, does not cause pleasant feelings, seems meaningless. To achieve high results, it is also important to feel personally involved and realize the value of your investment.

In a global sense, you define a circle of interests, hobbies, set yourself a goal, understand how your work can change the world and be useful for others. If the task you set for yourself can fit into the concept you have built, then a state of flow can be achieved easily.

Getting in the mindset to work is not easy, but it is doable. Flow state has the ability to make you happy, productive and creative. It is also a feeling that helps you realize your potential and find meaning in life.

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