Swan grace: a set of exercises for beautiful posture

Nowadays, a healthy back has become a big problem for many people, as we often sit in offices and lead inactive lifestyles.

If you want to try to restore your posture at home, to make it smooth and graceful, we have good news – there is such a way. All you need is a desire, a little free time and a few exercises. You can cope with the first two points yourself, but we are ready to help you with the last one.

Hatha yoga instructor Alexandra Churkina told us why posture deteriorates and shared effective and easy ways to improve it.

What causes back problems?

One of the most common problems with the spine is excessive slouching. In this case, the shoulders go forward, and the back is excessively rounded in the thoracic region.

Posture can be spoiled by a sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular physical activity. Yoga can help you get your posture in order.

Three exercises for beautiful posture

Pratinada vinyasa.

It will help to stretch overstretched and compressed pectoral muscles. The order of performance is as simple as possible:

1. Starting position – standing, feet at the width of the pelvis. Hands in namaste in front of the chest, shoulders down, back straight. Then on exhalation start actively pressing the palm of the hand into the palm of the hand. Perform this movement for 7-10 seconds. Do not hold your breath, breathe freely.

2. Join fingers in a lock and with an exhalation lower it down. The position is intermediate, without fixation.

3. With another inhalation lift the lock up. At the same time, the palms are turned to the ceiling. There is also no fixation.

4. With an exhalation take the lock behind the head. The elbows are above the shoulders. It is important not to press your hands on your head! Elbows try to spread apart and as if to shift back. In this position continue to breathe, fix the pose for about 15-20 seconds.

5. With another exhalation round the chest and stretch the arms forward, the chin goes down to the chest, the neck is stretched and rounded. This position is not fixed, just perform a smooth exhalation.

The complex is performed three to five times.

Locust pose

Memorize the sequence of actions:

1. Starting position – lying on the stomach, forehead down on the mat, palms near the shoulders, legs straightened.

2. Put your feet on your toes and with an inhalation lift both hands and feet off the floor. Continue to breathe calmly and evenly. Fix the position for five breaths. At the same time try to lower the shoulder blades down to the pelvis, and raise the elbows above. The shoulders must necessarily be taken away from the ears. Note that during the flexion you do not need to throw your head back!

If it is difficult to take off from the floor both hands and feet, you can leave the lifting of the feet on the floor and take off from the floor only the hands.

Do two or three approaches each.

Hare pose

Stages of the exercise:

1. Bring the knees together, the feet lie on the lifts.

2. Smoothly lower the pelvis to the heels and the forehead to the floor. If the forehead is still difficult to lower, you can put a blanket or a roller under it.

3. Extend your arms forward along the long edge of the mat.

4. Continue breathing, relaxing.

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