Why coaches in the USSR forbade drinking water at training sessions

Why coaches in the USSR forbade drinking water at training sessions

Why coaches in the USSR banned water in training

Nowadays, a bottle of water is a must-have attribute of both a fitness enthusiast and a professional.

Is it possible to drink water during training? Why did Soviet trainers forbid it?

Let’s find out together with the fitness manager of a network of fitness clubs.

Few people know that athletes in the USSR were forbidden to drink water during training. Now the situation is quite different: almost everyone talks about the need to maintain water balance during training. And a water bottle has long become an indispensable attribute of those who lead an active lifestyle. Why, then, were there different rules before?

Eduard Shakula

fitness manager of Pride Fitness chain

Trainers in the USSR thought otherwise, and for good reason.

Moreover, magnesium deficiency due to electrolyte leaching can provoke cramps, which often lead to muscle tears and injuries. For this reason, Soviet athletes were allowed to drink water only after the end of a session. But since dehydration also harms the body, this rule only applied if the training session lasted no more than two hours.

Eduard: Coaches in the USSR believed that drinking fluids during training had a negative effect on the body. Namely, it leads to the appearance of cramps before bedtime, which can further provoke injuries and prolong recovery time. It is also believed that the intake of water activates the kidneys and intensifies the heart muscle, which gives an additional load and complicates physical activity.

Roman Malkov

nutritionist, gastroenterologist, physiotherapist, sports medicine and LFC doctor, UniProf expert

To tolerate physical activity more easily, it is really worth drinking sports drinks (isotonic, containing salts) or mineral water (non-carbonated), which replenishes lost electrolytes. But only in small sips.

If the workout lasts 1-2 hours, you should replenish the balance of liquid only some time after the exercise.

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