Why do the French eat croissants and don’t get fat? 7 secrets of a slim gourmet figure

Kira Feklisova

Enjoying life and food is an art. What’s the big deal? Eat and enjoy! But no, our brain is so organized that instead of pleasant emotions we experience unpleasant ones. Because of this there is a process of gaining excess weight. And the food itself because of guilt becomes not a pleasure, but a secret punishment.

The French are considered the most advanced in the art of living and enjoying food. They know how to savor every bite, and it is the representatives of this people are recognized as the slimmest nation.

The word “gourmet” also has French origin gourmand – a connoisseur and lover of fine refined dishes and drinks.

These are the principles that French gourmands adhere to:

Don’t eat on the go

Even if it’s a baguette and a takeaway coffee, the French will eat it sitting on a bench, on a bicycle, on a bench, on the stairs.

Eating on the run is worse digested by the body, and this in turn leads to cramps and stress throughout the body. Why this happens, told in the material.

By the way, this is how the French recognize tourists – those are always in a hurry and eat sandwiches on the go. Native inhabitant of France would rather stay hungry than eat on the go his lunch baguette. Respect for yourself and your body is more important than anything else.

Smaller portions

The larger the portion, the less value it has and the faster it is eaten. A small portion is consumed at a slower speed, its flavor is more intense because of this. And the pleasure of the process is greater.

Here you will find tips from a nutritionist on how to start eating right and not to crash.

Imagine that you have a huge plate of red caviar and a small sandwich with red caviar. You will eat the sandwich more slowly, feeling each caviar on your tongue, and it will seem more delicious and more precious.

From the plate you will eat the caviar with a spoon. And its flavor will soon bore you. This has to do with all dishes, not just delicacies.

No guilt

Gourmets never blame themselves for eating a piece of cake or a bar of chocolate. First, they eat small portions and savor them. And second, they give themselves permission to eat it. And if given permission, there’s no point in blaming. If you eat food with the thought “now I’m going to be fat” and feel guilty, the body will take it as a program and start gaining excess weight.

If you think while eating, “This is the most delicious cake I’ve ever had in my life, and it gives me maximum pleasure. I’m eating it out of love for myself,” then that’s what will happen. The cake will not be deposited in the body in the form of excess weight.

Don’t read the news/watch social media while eating food

Social media and the news evoke a lot of emotions. It doesn’t matter if they are positive or negative. The main emotion should be evoked by food, its look, taste, texture, combination with other elements on the plate.

How to stop spending all your free time on your phone? Here you will find the recommendations of psychologists.

Everything should be beautiful and aesthetic. The only thing that can be added to food and make it even more delicious is love. The French love to fall in love: with a new day, with themselves, with their activities, with another person.


Classical music makes food even more delicious. Hard rock, rap, hip-hop, disco rhythms drown out the experience of eating, we need more sugar, salt, sauce.

French cafes often play tunes from favorite vintage movies. It puts you in a nostalgic mood. And it makes the food even more delicious, and the process of devouring – more leisurely.

Less is better, but better quality

If a gourmet has to choose between a cheap, large-volume dish or an expensive, but small-volume one, he will choose the latter. And if it so happens that it is necessary to eat a super large portion, the Frenchman will divide it into several parts. And he will eat each small portion leisurely and with pleasure.

Down with the schedule

Eating on a schedule is like having sex on a schedule. All the pleasure is lost. All that’s left is an automatic process. Foodies eat when their body asks for food, not when it’s time to eat.

If it is quite late at night, the gourmet will eat that meal out of love for himself and his body. And it will not be deposited in the form of extra pounds as if it were eaten as a mandatory evening or afternoon meal.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:
