Get off the couch: a home cardio workout in 15 minutes

All the salads have been eaten, New Year’s movies have been watched, and you have no strength to lie on the couch anymore? Perhaps it’s time to take care of yourself and regain last year’s shape. Even a short workout will help you get rid of holiday kilograms. Together with blogger Arseniy Kim, we tell you about 15 one-minute exercises that will definitely make you feel hot.

For this cardio you will not need any equipment, and each exercise should be performed for one minute.

Steps to the side with knees up

During the exercise, you should not strain your legs, your back should remain straight. Keep the pace medium. And if you feel that the exercise is too easy, you can speed up.

Light jogging on the spot

You don’t need to run too fast. Also do not raise your knees too high. The most important thing – do not stop during the approach, run calmly and measured. This will help warm up and prepare your muscles for the next exercise.

Rock climber

Do not hurry, the movements should be smooth and calm. This way you can achieve the greatest effect and give a good load on the muscles.

Jumping Jack

Do not spread your legs too wide or make a strong swing. This can be fraught with dislocation of the shoulder. Any exercise should be performed at a measured pace, even if you are working with your own weight.

Steps to the side with knees up

Repeat the first exercise. The main thing is not to stop. Throughout the workout, the muscles must remain toned.

Squatting with knee raise

The knee should reach for the opposite elbow, giving maximum amplitude to the movement. And control the speed as much as your body can.

Jumping in place

This exercise can also be performed with a jump rope. Do not jump aside, do not deviate the body – just jump in place.

Shoulder touches in a supine position

Do not sway too much during the exercise – try to fix the body. If it seems too hard at first, you can bend one leg at the knee.

Steps to the side with lifting knees

The second time this exercise helps to consolidate the result and give the muscles a rest before the next approaches.


Beginners will find this exercise not easy. Do not strain your legs too much, the approach should be done in a measured manner. At the same time, the pelvis should not fall forward or deviate backwards – try to maintain the correct position.

Half Burpee

First take a lying down position and lift your knees one by one. After that, jump up and do a clap above your head. If you’re just starting out, be especially careful: sloppy jumps can injure your knees.

Russian twists

Lying on your back, you need to twist your back and touch the floor with your hands each time. Legs can be placed or kept on weight – the second option is more difficult and will suit the more experienced.

Steps to the side with lifting the knees

Again an exercise for recovery. If you are not tired and feel that rest is not required, you can perform it more intensively. However, you should still rest before the last two approaches.

Side twists in the plank

In the plank you need to raise your arm, turning it upwards as much as possible. By the end of training, this exercise may seem difficult, but that’s when it will give the maximum effect.

Steps on the spot

The final exercise will help you recover your breathing after 14 minutes of intense exercise. Try to march quite actively, and at the end slow down. As you inhale, raise your arms up, and as you exhale, lower them down.

SportFitly - スポーツ、フィットネス、健康

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