a fighter in the “Our Cause” league, actively practicing yoga
Warrior pose (Virabhadrasana) is one of the most popular exercises in yoga. It not only helps to improve flexibility and strength of the body, but also strengthens the spirit and improves the mood. Before you start practicing asana, it is important to know its basic principles and technique.
How to do the warrior pose correctly?
Virabhadrasana consists of three parts, each of which can be performed both separately and in a complex.
Warrior pose 1: peculiarities and technique of performance
Benefit: the first stageis good for pumping the leg muscles, toning the knees and ankles. It helps to open the hip joint, which will prepare you to perform more complex exercises. For example, lotus pose. Deepens breathing and improves circulation.
- Starting position – standing, arms along the body.
- Take a wide step forward, feet at a distance of about a meter from each other. Bend the left knee at an angle of 90 degrees, it should not go beyond the toe. The right leg is stretched back, heel is on the floor, the foot is turned 45 degrees to the right.
- Raise your arms above your head and reach upward with them.
- Hold the pose for 5-10 breathing cycles.
- Return to the starting position and then repeat, changing the position of the legs.
禁忌: if you have problems in the work of the heart, before performing this asana should consult a doctor. It is also not recommended to do the practice for people with high blood pressure.
Warrior pose 2: features and technique of performance
Benefit: the second position perfectly pumps the muscles of the legs, arms and shoulders. Tones the organs of the abdominal cavity. Strengthens the muscular system of the whole body and improves lung function.
- Starting position – standing, arms along the body.
- Spread your legs wide apart, turn the left one so that the knee looks forward. Firmly rest your right foot on the floor.
- Bend the left knee at an angle of 90 degrees, straight arms apart. Look straight ahead. Tighten your stomach.
- Hold in this position, take several deep inhalations and exhalations.
禁忌: it is not recommended to practice the second position in the exacerbation of arthritis and osteochondrosis.
Warrior pose 3: peculiarities and technique of performance
Benefit: the third stage is the most difficult, in it you will have to keep your balance. Excellent strengthens the muscles of the back, bark and legs, including hamstring muscles. Improves mobility of the knee joints. Improves balance skills.
- Starting position – standing, hands along the body.
- Take a small step forward with your left foot. Take the right one off the floor and start balancing on the left one. It can be slightly bent for easy balance.
- Tense your glutes and extend your right leg back. Your arms can be stretched out to the sides or in front of you.
- Breathe deeply in this position.
禁忌: heart problems, high blood pressure, knee injuries.
Important points of the warrior pose
Keep your balance. When you bend your knee, make sure it is directly above your ankle. This will help you keep your balance and avoid injury.
Extend your back. As you raise your arms and bend your knees, remember to extend your back and keep it straight. This will help improve flexibility and endurance.
Do not strain your neck. Look forward and make sure your head is in a neutral position.
Spread your chest. While performing virabhadrasana, open your chest and lift it upwards. This will strengthen your back muscles and improve your posture.
Hold your breath. It is important for improving concentration and body control. Breathe deeply and evenly.
Do not arch your back. Keep your spine straight. Excessive flexion can lead to back injury and disease.
Do not bend your knees too much. This can lead to knee joint injuries. Bend your legs in sufficient amplitude to create a stable base to perform warrior pose.
Be mindful of the strength of your legs. Try to distribute your body weight evenly on both legs and tense your muscles to improve strength and endurance.
Remember to relax. After performing virabhadrasana, release the tension from your muscles. Take a few deep inhalations and exhalations, allow your body to rest for a while and smile. You will relax and your mood will improve.
The key to an effective and safe workout is proper technique. If you are doing warrior pose for the first time, learn all the nuances of performing the simplest version of it. When you master the initial level, gradually move on to complicate the asana. Do not worry if something does not work out. Virabhadrasana requires endurance and perseverance. Remember that everything comes gradually. Listen to your body and do not overload it.
Each person is unique and has a different level of fitness. If you feel pain or discomfort, reduce the load or stop doing the exercise.