What kind of people are always haunted by bad luck? 5 signs that you are one of them

Tatiana Vasilkova

psychologist, author of psychological comics “Navigator for Parents”.

“There are people who are said to be haunted by misfortune. In fact, the reason is, of course, in the person himself. Why do failures follow you around and what signs say that you even like this situation?”

Sign #1. The fly person

There are “butterfly people” and there are “fly people.” How are they different? Each person chooses how to react to a life situation, where to look.

People-flies will be drawn to the bad. They will fly, figuratively speaking, to excrement. And butterflies – on flowers.

A person who likes to be unhappy is himself drawn to the bad. He’s always dissatisfied. “Butterfly” on a similar situation will look at a similar situation from a different position. Here the wording is the opposite: “I am satisfied.”

If a person in any situation chooses the position “I am dissatisfied”, it means that he likes to suffer. It is a sweet state for him.

Why does he like it so much? In suffering a person can do two things:

  • The first is to take the position of “doing nothing” (if things are bad for me, I will do nothing);
  • the second – wait to be pitied (this is an opportunity to receive attention, love).

Sign #2. Eternally ill

We often meet such situations when a person looks for illnesses in himself and talks a lot about it. “I have a stabbing here, cutting there.” Someone who does not like to suffer may have all the same things, but no one will know about it.

The “eternally ill” confuses pity with love. Even as a child he realized, “When I am sick, Mommy is with me. She brings me tea with raspberries. She covers me with a blanket. She strokes my head.” In short, he got a high of communication with his mother only during the illness. And the child unconsciously, at the level of the body (it can be attributed to psychosomatics), realized: “In order for mommy to be with me, I need to be sick”.

This story is often found in men. There is just such a category of them – who always have something hurts. They always need to go to the doctor.

Sign #3. Prospector

There are people (this is neither good nor bad) who feel self-sufficient only in the moment of tensions. They come up with things to do on purpose. And the harder they are, the better. It’s like a challenge for them. Adrenaline.

It can be some kind of extreme, sport. I mean, it’s about effort. And what is that? Any effort is suffering. And it’s the only way a man can feel himself. “If I feel it, I live.” And then the suffering itself fades into the background, because it is interrupted by a burning desire, incredible interest and desire for results.

Sign #4. Dynamics in death

We see this sign when a person constantly talks about his deceased relatives, “Here’s grandma, here’s grandpa…”. When he likes movies with killing, losing people. When a person keeps saying we’re going to die. And when he’s very much afraid of death.

Yes, everyone is afraid of death. It’s about our greatest fear. But we can understand it and take it for granted. And there are people who pay too much attention to this topic. In this case a person lives, but all the time talks and thinks about death. Being afraid of it, he does not allow himself to live 100%.

Such a person will most likely not fly airplanes. He probably won’t do extreme sports. He will protect himself as much as possible with insurance. On the one hand, it’s about very logical things, but on the other hand, it’s about a person being in tension all the time.

Sign #5. Complaining and whining

Such people are constantly complaining – about themselves, about others. They are haunted by guilt and choose to whine. There is a way out of any situation, but people who like to suffer are not looking for it. They see only the negative, and yet there is a positive in every situation. Even if it involves sickness and death. No matter how strange it sounds.

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