Crossfit training to develop strength and endurance
The trainer shared three sets of exercises that are designed for beginners, amateurs and professionals.
There are many different directions of sports, which appeared not so long ago, but quickly managed to prove to the world their effectiveness. One of them is crossfit. What is it? Crossfit coach Eugene Kanunnikov notes that Crossfit for him is interesting as a community and as a method of training, which unites this community.
Crossfit coach
Crossfit will help you improve your health, correct your figure and weight, as well as become stronger and more resilient.
A set of exercises for beginners
Good because it gives a noticeable load on all muscle groups, but at the same time does not have a negative impact on the joints. Perform this complex for 20 minutes and without breaks between exercises.
- From the position “lying down” perform a push-up, then pull your legs up to your torso and sit down in the “sit-up position”.
- From this position jump out, fully straightening the body and clapping your hands above your head.
Do five times.
- Position “lying down”, hands are located just below shoulder level.
- Lower the torso to such a level that the elbows are bent in a right angle.
- Then return to the starting position.
Do 10 times.
- Lie on your back, legs bent and pulled up to the torso, feet firmly resting on the floor.
- Raise the torso to the knees, trying to engage the abdominal muscles and not to help yourself with your hands.
- Then lower yourself to the starting position.
Do 15 times.
- Feet at shoulder width, toes of feet turned slightly to the sides, arms lowered along the torso.
- From this position go down by bending the knees, with straight arms raised and held in front of you.
- Lower deeply to form a sharp angle in the knees. Keep your back straight and keep your head up.
Do 20 times.
Jumping Jack
- Stand straight, legs together and arms along the torso.
- After jumping up, spread your legs apart and clap over your head during the jump.
- With the second jump return to the starting position.
Do 25 times.
Complex of exercises for advanced
Suitable if you can already easily cope with the first one or have learned to work with your own weight.
Exercises are performed one after another, three circles in total, without breaks.
- Round 1 – 21 repetitions in each exercise.
- Round 2 – 15 repetitions in each exercise.
- Round 3 – nine repetitions in each exercise.
Kettlebell swings
- Put your feet wider than shoulder width, slightly bent.
- Put both straight arms between your legs and take a kettlebell in them. It should be of such weight that you can lift it above your head without fear of dropping it.
- Slightly wind the weight back, then straighten both knees and torso, and carry the weight up on straight arms, fixing it above your head.
- In the same way, with straight arms, lower the weight back between your legs.
Barbell throw
- Take the barbell in your hands at shoulder width and rest it on your chest so that your elbows are bent and looking forward.
- Feet are shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. From this position, squat down deeply with the barbell and at the moment of lifting straighten the elbows, lifting the barbell above the head.
- Then again bend the elbows and return the bar to the chest.
Do 25 times.
Rope Climb
- Wrap both hands around the rope so that one hand is above the other. Do not use your legs.
- Climb up the rope, moving your hands up one by one. In the same way go down with the help of moving hands.
Do it five times.
Workout’s over.
Crossfit is loved not only for the fact that it can give a person strength, stamina, finally, an athletic body. It is also loved for the feeling of constant victory over themselves. For the fact that this sport is designed to overcome weakness and victory over his own body. And these feelings are worth a lot.
For detailed exercises see the video on “Championship”.
Source: MuscleRussia.