Healthy calories: 5 ideas for summer PP salads

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy seasonal fruits and vegetables and try unusual combinations. And without any risk to your figure. We have collected a few healthy summer salads, which can be prepared, perhaps, by everyone.

Alla Chekanova


The best thing for such salads is to use many, many greens, avocado, cabbage in all variants, cucumbers and, of course, a variety of oils.

Eggplant salad

You will need:

  • eggplant – 2 pcs;
  • tomato – 2 pcs;
  • garlic cloves – 1-2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil – 5 tbsp. liters;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp;
  • cilantro bundle;
  • salt, pepper, paprika.

To begin with, you need to cut eggplants, pour them into a bowl, sprinkle with spices, pour oil and mix. Then lay out in a special dish, greased with vegetable oil in advance, and send to the oven. Bake eggplants should be baked for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Then transfer the ready eggplants to another container and add chopped tomatoes along with cilantro. It remains to supplement the dish with squeezed garlic, pour soy sauce and oil and mix thoroughly.

Alla Chekanova

Alla Chekanova


Eggplant is a low-calorie product, but it contains B vitamins, vitamins C, PP and carotene, and tomatoes are a treasure trove of usefulness. They are also particularly rich in lycopene, an important phytonutrient with antioxidant properties. It is essential for the digestive system and normalizes appetite.

Cilantro contains vitamins E, C and A, but especially valuable vitamin P (rutin) for blood vessels, an essential bioflavonoid. Tannins in the composition remove toxins from the body. The plant also has a diuretic effect, which helps to get rid of swelling. Cilantro can be called a natural antidepressant. It has a calming and antispasmodic effect.

Garlic is a super plant, contains the active ingredient allicin – essential oil, which has bactericidal and fungicidal actions, neutralizes free radicals. The only problem is that whole garlic doesn’t have allicin, to activate it you have to crush a clove and then cut it.

Fresh salad with pear, figs and pecans

You will need:

  • pear – 1 pc;
  • arugula – 100 g;
  • figs – 2 pcs;
  • goat cheese or brynza – 60 g;
  • blueberries – 20 g;
  • raspberries – 20 g;
  • mint sprig – 2 pcs;
  • pecans or walnuts – 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • balsamic cream – 1 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

First cut the pear into circles, and cut the figs into slices. The latter sprinkle with honey and send to the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. At this time, lay out arugula on a large plate, top with berries, pear, nuts and cheese.

You can also prepare a special sauce. To do this, you need to mix oil, balsamic cream, salt and pepper, and then mix well. When the figs are ready, lay them out on a plate and dress the salad.

Alla Chekanova

Alla Chekanova


Such a salad is undesirable to eat before the main meal, as it will raise blood sugar levels. I love arugula, I advise adding it to every meal, as we have completely eliminated bitterness from our diet, and it is simply necessary for excellent gallbladder function. I would also refrain from baking figs with honey because they already have a pretty high glycemic index. This salad would be perfect as a dessert!

Red cabbage salad

You will need:

  • red cabbage – 1/4th of a small cauliflower;
  • white cabbage – 1/5th of a small cabbage;
  • carrots – 1 pcs;
  • fresh cucumber – 2 pieces;
  • canned corn – 1 can;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • herbs (cilantro, parsley, dill, mint);
  • olive oil – 3-4 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp;
  • balsamic vinegar – 1 tbsp;
  • nuts – 30 g.

Very thinly slice the leaves of red cabbage, lay them in a deep bowl, salt and mix. After some time, the cabbage will give juice, which you need to drain. It is also necessary to thinly slice white cabbage, finely chop greens, and carrots and cucumbers – with a straw. Mix everything together and add canned corn. Dress with oil, lemon juice and vinegar. Then mix thoroughly and for completeness of the picture sprinkle with nuts.

Alla Chekanova

Alla Chekanova


Perfect salad! First of all, cabbage contains about 20 kcal, but the main thing is super fiber, which is necessary for the full work of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to a large number of vitamins, cabbage contains sulforaphane. It plays an important role in normalizing blood pressure and helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and also has a proven anti-cancer effect.

A few words about olive oil. It is recommended to consume it daily to maintain vascular health and prevent heart disease.

Salad with strawberries and mozzarella

You will need:

  • strawberries – 10-15 pcs;
  • sweet cherry tomatoes – 5-7 pieces;
  • avocado – 1 pc;
  • mozzarella balls – 150 g;
  • green basil;
  • balsamic cream – 1 tbsp;
  • olive oil to taste.

Treat yourself to such an unusual combination of products is very simple. First of all, you need to wash strawberries and tomatoes and cut them in half. Remove the pit from the avocado and cut it into large pieces. Then arbitrarily arrange mozzarella, add basil and optionally use olive oil.

Alla Chekanova

Alla Chekanova


Great combination and benefits. Avocado I advise to consume on a daily basis. You can not completely eliminate fats, and this fruit contains exactly the healthy ones that are involved in the formation of hormones.

Mozzarella is actually not suitable for everyone. If you feel a “coup” in the stomach after eating dairy products, then replace mozzarella with goat cheese.

Strawberries are a great berry and I suggest eating them when they are in season, but you should know your measure in everything!

Strawberry salad with lentils

You will need:

  • strawberries – 500 g;
  • lentils – 1.5 cups;
  • a bunch of mint;
  • spinach – 3-4 handfuls;
  • olive oil;
  • licorice root powder to taste;
  • salt and pepper.

To try such a salad, the first thing you need to do is to rinse the lentils and boil them in salted water according to the instructions on the package. It is important that it remains a dense consistency, and not turn into mush. Then wash the strawberries and cut them into slices. Then wash the spinach and mint and chop them finely. Mix the cooled lentils, strawberries and herbs.

The last step is the sauce. For it you need to mix butter with licorice powder, salt and pepper. You can serve!

Alla Chekanova

Alla Chekanova


At the heart of the salad, lentils are the best vegetable protein, but here you need to understand that to break down these legumes you need certain enzymes, and some people have them in deficit.

Spinach is the record holder in potassium, iron and manganese. It is recommended for people in the recovery period after illness.

About the benefits of licorice, I think everyone knows, but people with hypertension, I would caution against using it in large quantities. And so it is an indispensable assistant in bacterial and viral infections, a powerful adaptogen and antioxidant. It reduces acidity and fights bacteria.

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