Multi-Hip is a universal exercise machine for pumping legs. How to use it?

The most valuable machines are those that allow you to perform exercises for different muscle groups. With the help of the equipment we are telling you about today, you will be able to work your legs fully and completely, and in some exercises you will also be able to use your abs. We tell you what the Multi-Hip is and how to train on it.

How is the machine organized?

It consists of a rotating disk, a switch, handles, a weight block, a pin, as well as guides and a roller. Let’s start with the obvious: the handles are necessary to hold on to them with your hands during the exercise. The rotational disk is the mechanism that holds the roller, and this very disk should be set at about the level of the hip joint. This should be done with the help of a switch.

Many people are familiar with the weight block: it is a metal plate and a pin that allows you to set the weight you need. The more weights you hook – the more weights you will lift. The roller is the point of force application.

Warming up before working on the exercise machine

Any workout involves warming up. Warming up is not only to protect yourself from injury. First of all, warm-up exercises perform the function of preparing the body, toning the muscles for maximum efficiency during the load. Since today we are pumping legs, we will warm them up.

Walking in place with a high hip raise


  • Put your feet about shoulder width apart, arms down along the body, straighten your back.
  • Raise the thigh of one of your legs up and immediately lower it.
  • Immediately perform the same movement with the hip of the other leg, and then return to the starting position.
  • Breathe evenly, perform the exercise without pausing.

Perform 15-20 repetitions for each leg.

Side lunges


  • Put your feet as wide as you can, much wider than your shoulders.
  • Straighten your back, keep your hands either in front of you or fix them at your waist.
  • As you exhale, lunge on your left leg, shift your weight to it and bend it at the knee.
  • The right leg should remain straight.
  • As you inhale, return to the starting position.
  • Do the same on the other leg.

Do 10-15 repetitions for each leg.

Leg circles


  • Place your feet shoulder width apart, hands on your waist.
  • Execute a hip abduction, drawing a circle with your knee.
  • Without lowering your foot to the floor, return to the starting position.
  • Do the same, but with the other leg.
  • Breathe evenly.

Do 10-15 repetitions for each leg.

Back and forth swings


  • Place something at your side that you can hold on to with your hand during the exercise, such as a chair.
  • Grasp the support with your hand and place your other hand on your waist.
  • Your feet should be about shoulder width apart.
  • Start swinging back and forth with one leg, without swaying.
  • After performing a few repetitions, switch legs and do the same exercise.

Perform 15-20 repetitions for each leg.

What exercises can be performed on this exercise machine?

We will tell you about three basic elements that anyone can easily perform on this machine. You will be able to adjust the load exactly to your abilities and smoothly increase the weight if you want.

Hip extension and abduction


  • Stand facing the machine, grasp the handles on the side or in front of you.
  • Raise your right leg and throw it over the top on the roller, the left leg should be straight and be between the horizontal and parallel lines.
  • Straighten your back, and extend the working leg into the toe.
  • As you exhale, perform an extension to about the knee joint of the left leg.
  • As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Backward leg extension

Execution technique

  • Adjust the trainer to the upper position, so that the roller is approximately at the level of the abdomen or slightly lower. Stand sideways to the machine.
  • Put the leg closest to the machine on the roller, with your hands grasping the bar in front of you to keep your balance.
  • Straighten the other leg, straighten your back, stand straight.
  • As you exhale, move your working leg backwards, taking the roller to the same place.
  • The roller should go behind the knee joint of the non-working leg, while the working leg should straighten.
  • As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Knee Raise


  • Stand sideways to the simulator as in the previous exercise.
  • Move the rotational disk to a position at the level of the hip joint.
  • Place the supporting leg opposite the rotational disk, and the working leg, i.e. the one closest to the exercise machine, throw it back on the roller so that it rests on the back of the foot.
  • Hold the bar in front of you with your hands so that you do not lose your balance.
  • As you exhale, lift your knee up sharply, taking the roll with you. The knee of the working leg reaches toward your chest.
  • As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Detailed instructions for the simulator and comments from coach Eugene Nikishin see in the video.

Who is this trainer suitable for?

Multi-hip is quite universal, so everyone can train on it. The main thing is to adjust it according to your height to make it more convenient to exercise. The device can be used for practicing strength exercises, raising the bar higher and higher, and you can use it for preventive purposes. For example, to recover from an injury, put the minimum weight and develop the leg. However, you should do this only under the supervision of a trainer and after receiving the recommendations of the attending physician.

Do not forget that the pool of possible exercises is wide, so everyone will find something suitable. Don’t forget to stretch well before training, do a pre-stretch and a few warm-up movements to prepare your muscles for the load. Once you have warmed up, you can start training.

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