“Earth Hour: what is the meaning of the action and how to take part in it?
People like to live in comfort, but we rarely think about how cars, factories
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The end of self-isolation: how to get back in shape and regimen after regular approaches to the refrigerator
Over the long months, the regime of many people in self-isolation has come to
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Nutriciologist has named a dried fruit that slows down the aging process
“Dried fruits have been part of the human diet since ancient times: they are
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What is a behavior pattern and how to change it? 7 steps from a psychologist
psychologist, NLP practitioner, member of the Association for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy “Our actions play
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Open Air Museums: 7 Russian Villages You Should Visit
President of Pro-Vision, author of the Vinogradov.story community “Beauty is a subjective concept. What
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10 jackets for spring made of softshell and 5 reasons why this material is so popular
Very soon the last snowdrifts will finally give way to rain and gusty winds.
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What are the peculiarities of the “Russian” type of aging and how to avoid it
Aging is an inevitable process. And although today there are ways to slow it
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What is inulin: gastroenterologist named 9 of its health benefits
gastroenterologist at Medical On Group clinic in Mytishchi “The intestinal microflora contains about a
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Psychosomatics expert tells why mood swings are dangerous
doctor, psychosomatologist, neuropsychologist. “Mood swings happen to absolutely everyone. From small to large. It
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Balloon Festival in Pereslavl-Zalessky – 2024: dates, prices and schedule
Balloon Festival in Pereslavl-Zalessky – 2024: dates, prices and schedule Venera Erofeeva July 15,
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