Where to fly in a hot air balloon in Moscow and Moscow Region? Top 7 places
Just imagine the feeling of complete freedom when a huge balloon lifts you into
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Running is optional. Why walking is better for health and weight loss
Running is one of the most popular sports right now. It is a relatively
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How many pancakes can be eaten per day? The doctor told me the acceptable amount
The main dish for Pancake Day contains flour, eggs, milk, sugar and salt. Sometimes
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How to wear cufflinks to look status and style: instructions and 6 examples from the stars
Shopping Live fashion expert “Cufflinks are an important part of a man’s closet. A
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6 ways to stop wasting your energy
Most people only feel calm and confident when they are busy all the time.
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Traveling Through the Ages: 11 of Russia’s Oldest Cities
Russia is a huge country, incomprehensible to the mind, with a rich culture and
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7 signs that tell you it’s time to exercise
Although healthy lifestyles are becoming more and more popular today, some people can’t find
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What can and cannot be eaten during Lent? A nutritionist gave recommendations
Nutriciologist of the boarding house “Warm Talks” “Lent is a valuable time to take
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How to make up after a quarrel with a loved one and save the relationship? Psychologist’s instruction
psychoanalytical psychologist, CPT, coach “Quarrels in any relationship are an inevitable element. However, if
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“Lev Yashin” and “Pure Football”: a selection of the best Russian movies about sports No. 1
Films about sports were especially in demand during the Soviet era. “Goalkeeper” (1936), “Sporting
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