Champion’s expert wellness coach Andrei Semeshov – about what questions a newcomer to the gym may have.
If you’ve opened this article, you probably either already go to a fitness center or are about to start. As with any unfamiliar environment, you will feel uncomfortable in the gym at first. You will have questions and doubts that need to be answered. You should not hesitate to ask them, your progress directly depends on it.
How to choose a trainer
If you decide to work out with a trainer, first you need to choose one. How? Visual assessment (“I wish I had a figure like her/him”) is undoubtedly an important criterion. A shoemaker can be without boots, but a fitness trainer with a frankly overweight figure is not very good. Just don’t go after the most pumped up or, let’s say, “dry” coach. An outstanding fitness athlete is not always a good coach. To make a shape yourself and to be able to captivate the client, to find the optimal training regimen for him – is not the same thing.
There can be two options.
The first one is to ask the club consultants to tell about the availability of the trainers’ documents on specialized education and certificates of additional training courses. The broader the specialist’s outlook, the better.
The second way – combat reconnaissance. Observe the work of trainers with other clients, overhear their conversations, try the situation on yourself: how much you like the approach, manner of communication. The appearance of the mentees, especially if they have been working with the trainer for more than a month, is also a good clue.
What exercises to do
If you are practicing on your own, then the question arises: what should I do in the gym at all? The main secret is that for our muscles there is no big difference what kind of exercise you load them with. Everyone’s anatomy is the same – flexions, extensions, bends, inclines and so on. There is no advantage of one exercise over another. Basically, all the fancy variations have only one goal – to diversify the process, to make it not so monotonous. Leg muscles will respond to squats, and the platform press, and walking with dumbbells, and much more.
Everything decides the progression of loads and correct technique. Therefore, safely take a program with simple and understandable to you movements, and different “tricky” techniques from the arsenal of fitness veterans learn in the process, when just pull up or press the bar becomes a little boring.
How many repetitions to do
The exercises are sorted out. The next question is: how many times to do? Let’s say you come to the dumbbell row. 10 kg you can lift on the biceps 15 times, and 15 kg – only eight.What is better? The best thing to realize is that your muscles can’t count. Then where did the persistent myth come from that a low number of repetitions increases strength, and a lot of repetitions is about fat burning and relief?
The whole secret lies in the time your muscles are under load. The optimal time at first is between 15 and 25 seconds per approach. Most likely, this will be a range of 10 to 15 repetitions. If this time is increased, the amount of calories expended will increase proportionally. If the diet is followed, this will give a slightly better result in burning subcutaneous fat.
During the period of preparation for competitions and peak form, professional athletes bring themselves to a critical state, when “load” the body with heavy weights is either impossible or too dangerous for health. That’s why they work mostly with small weights, and in order for the muscles to get sufficient load, they have to increase the time of work, i.e. the number of repetitions.
Who to ask for advice
Don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Even from the most imposing and bulky visitors. The muscle mountain man has obviously spent more than one year in the gym, doing the same thing 4-5 times a week. In 99% of cases, he will gladly diversify his routine to give some wise advice to a green beginner. But before you ask for advice, make sure that it does not happen at the moment when the interlocutor is tuning up to perform an approach, or, on the contrary, has just climbed out from under a heavy barbell and is struggling to grab air with his mouth. In this case, there is indeed a risk of running into a not quite polite comment.
How not to be shy
Have you seen funny videos from fitness clubs, where people get into awkward situations or perform some very intricate somersaults? Are you afraid to be in the frame too? Don’t be afraid! Everyone in the gym is busy with their own business and no one cares how the others entertain themselves. On the only condition: if it does not interfere with anyone.
What to train in
There are only two rules: you must have clothes, and they must be clean. For everything else, forget about public opinion. You have to be comfortable and high. You’re a skinny student, but bodybuilder tank tops make you look cool? Go for it. Your volumes are far from fitness standards, but you want to spin on the exercise bike in marvelous pink tights? Don’t deprive yourself of this pleasure. You have already defeated most people and came to the gym, let aggressive or sexy clothes emphasize it.