The German word zugzwang literally translates as “forcing a move”. This is the case when any action of a player leads to a worsening of his position and he only has to admit defeat. The man is trapped and the chess game is over.
The game term very colorfully describes the states that are often encountered in everyday life. This is why it has come to be used far beyond the chessboard.
Tsugtsvang can be called unloved work that brings neither moral nor financial satisfaction, relations between close people in which interest and passion have faded, but for some reason communication continues. This also includes an unsuccessful business project that sucks energy and does not bring income. If you dig into your memory, you will surely find many such cases. A person in such a state depresses himself and as if constantly running in circles.
But is everything always so bad and it is unrealistic to find a way out? Psychologists recommend not to compare the chess game with real life and look at the situation from a different angle.
Sports psychologist and coach, specialist in the field of mental development in sports
In chess and in life, positions can be very similar. In both cases a person faces complex situations that require analysis, decision making and action. It is important for a chess player to consider the position of the pieces and the opponent’s strength in order to prepare for his moves. Also in real life: it is necessary to calculate the situation, seeing in advance all possible variants of events. This is the only way to make the right decision. However, there are nuances here…
Tsugtsvang in chess will logically come to checkmate and the end of the game, but in life everything is different. A person never knows which way this or that situation will turn out for him in the end.
A way out of a difficult situation in life can always be found. It is important to learn to look at the situation from different sides, so that there is an opportunity to make the best decision. If we turn to chess again and use the game language, this technique can be described as “tweaking” the situation.
In chess terminology the technique consists in using various methods and techniques of actions leading to a change in the situation. This can be achieved by introducing new tools and mechanisms, breaking down a complex task into simpler and more understandable elements. To do things that are not familiar to oneself, to get out of the very “comfort zone”.
If you cannot find a way out of a difficult situation on your own, you should turn to specialists or mentors who can give advice and untangle the tangle of problems.
How can you avoid a zugzwang in life?
We never know what and why things can go wrong in business, work, relationships, social, political life. And some of these events do knock you off balance and put you in a quandary. But if you try to develop certain abilities, the deadlocks will be less or they will disappear altogether.
1. Learn communication skills
It is important to be able to communicate with people and try to pump this ability in yourself. A conversation with any person can be crucial in your life. While communicating, you also gain experience, knowledge and develop yourself.
2- Analyze
Learn to predict the possible consequences of your actions. Before taking important steps, try to put the outcome in perspective. Break down events into their components and calculate what the outcome of your actions might be.
3. be prepared for change
Getting used to a familiar daily rhythm is inherent in the psyche. It seems that routine life gives stability and peace of mind. But if you do not enjoy it, you need to be ready to change the situation and search for new solutions. You should not be afraid to revise the old way of life or break off relationships. It may be a life-saver for you.
4. Develop determination
It is important to build confidence in your actions. Having calculated all possible risks and convinced of the correct steps, try to boldly step on their realization. Doubts can take time, and you will not achieve the desired result in the future.
Remember that the zugzwang on the board leads to defeat always, and in life you always have the opportunity to correct something. Yes, although chess is a model of life, but still inferior in the variety of options.