Urologist named foods that are good for kidney health

Urologist named foods that are good for kidney health

Dmytro Doronchuk

Dmitry Doronchuk

Foods that are good for kidney health

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We tell you what men and women should include in their diet to prevent diseases of the urinary system.

Dmytro Doronchuk

Urologist of the Federal State Budgetary Institution FGBU FNCC FMBA

“Diet therapy is one of the important components of the complex treatment of urologic diseases. The effectiveness of medications is reduced if the correct diet is not observed. Dietary regimen allows you to avoid complications and recover faster after the disease. Products useful for the urinary system can be divided into groups depending on their effect on the body”.

Nutrition to normalize the work of the organs of the genitourinary system

  • To activate the work of the kidneys should consume more fluids. Water flushes the urinary ducts, reduces the concentration of slags and toxins that are excreted with urine. This is promoted by the inclusion in the diet of watermelons, apples, pineapples.
  • For the urogenital system are useful vitamins A and B6. They are contained in blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, ginger, red grapes, nuts. These products improve kidney and bladder function, reduce the concentration of oxalates in the blood, are one of the factors in the prevention of urolithiasis.
  • Complex carbohydrates contribute to the excretion of urine. Therefore, the diet should be vegetables, especially cauliflower and white cabbage, turnips, bell peppers, pumpkin, radishes. Among cereals, buckwheat is preferable. An additional source of fiber is bran.
  • To replenish the level of protein, dishes from salmon, tuna, turkey, chicken and mushrooms are useful.
  • It is recommended to replace animal fats with olive oil.

Diet of foods for kidney health

Kidney health is directly related to the work of the heart. For the proper functioning of these important organs, a balanced diet is necessary.

  • Foods containing polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid include marine fish, walnuts, olives, avocados, vegetable oils, with the exception of palm and coconut oils.
  • Complex carbohydrates keep blood sugar levels stable, which promotes kidney health. Whole-grain bread, vegetables, fruits are rich in fiber. You should choose pasta only from hard wheat.
  • Support the activity of the body helps protein products: beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, egg white.
  • Diuretic effect, beneficial for kidney function, have cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, leaf lettuce, pumpkin, carrots, beets, cranberries, apples, pears, melons, watermelons, greens.
  • As drinks it is better to choose morses, not strong tea, decoction of rose hips. Sufficient fluid prevents the formation of kidney stones.

There are a number of products that can cause serious harm to kidney health. These include dishes with a high salt content, sweet carbonated drinks, fatty, fried and smoked food.

Uncontrolled intake of medications, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, as well as sedentary lifestyle, lead to the development of kidney disease.

Nutrition for the prevention of cystitis

The main task in the treatment of cystitis is to flush the urinary tract and excretion of pathogens. Diet therapy for inflammation of the bladder is aimed at reducing irritation of its mucous membrane. Foods should be in accordance with this principle.

  • The minimum amount of daily fluid should be equal to 1.5-2 liters, and you need to adhere to the rule – 30 ml of liquid for each kg of body weight. Preferred drinks are pure non-carbonated water, lingonberry and cranberry morses, decoction of rose hips and black currants. If the body temperature rises, you should increase the amount of fluid you drink.
  • Products rich in dietary fiber and starchy compounds, support intestinal function. The most useful are bread and coarse flour, bran, vegetable salads.
  • Easily digestible food, rich in vitamins, reduces the load on the digestive system, promotes early recovery. Preferred cereal and vegetable soups, lean meat and fish, boiled or baked, cottage cheese, omelet. Salt intake should be reduced to 6 g per day.
  • With inflammatory diseases helps to fight garlic.

Of particular importance in the prevention of cystitis is phytotherapy. It is recommended to take infusions of herbs that have a diuretic effect. This may be herbal teas with bearberry, corn stigmas, grape seed extract, lingonberry leaf. Also useful biologically active supplement D-mannose, but before introducing it into the diet should consult a doctor.

Products for the preservation of reproductive health of women

Strengthen women’s health helps to fill vitamin deficiencies in the body. This does not always require the use of pharmacy complexes. A varied and balanced diet can provide the necessary daily dose of substances.

  • Vitamin A contributes to the production of female sex hormones. It is found in liver, butter, carrots.
  • Vitamin E reduces the risk of pregnancy failure, prevents the development of mastitis. In large quantities is contained in olive oil, germinated wheat grains, lettuce.
  • B vitamins are necessary for growth and regeneration of tissues. They enter the body with avocado, pumpkin seeds, honey, fermented milk products.
  • Folic acid, contained in greens and leafy vegetables, prevents defects in the development of the neural tube of the fetus, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids normalize the balance of hormones, are the prevention of cancer. In large quantities are found in fatty fish.
  • Seafood is rich in iodine, which minimizes the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, improves metabolism.

Diet for the preservation of men’s health

From the nutrition of a man largely depends on his sexual activity. It is necessary to include in the daily menu products that increase the production of testosterone and sperm. It is also necessary to give up bad habits, because their negative impact deprives the body of important vitamins and trace elements.

  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids preserve sexual function in adulthood. They are found in almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, wheat germ, fatty fish.
  • Consumption of oysters, pumpkin seeds helps to increase potency. They contain zinc and magnesium, positively affecting the erectile capacity.
  • For the production of testosterone are useful berries, apples, grapes, onions, tomatoes, tea, bee products. Decoctions of medicinal plants have healing properties: fenugreek, chamomile, passionflower.
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