6 secrets of Madonna’s figure at 63. The rules of training and nutrition of the diva

Madonna turned 63 years old – yeah, we can’t believe it either! After all, she can give a head start to many young girls. What kind of workouts and diet support the star’s flawless figure? Together with an expert we understand the secrets of the singer’s perfect shape.

Andrei Semeshov

Nutriciologist, fitness training specialist

Madonna tried different options. Obviously, she tested a lot of things, but in the end she found exactly what suits her specifically for the tasks at hand.

Iron discipline

The diva’s willpower is the envy of any athlete. She spends up to five hours in the gym every day. The superstar is constantly testing new techniques that are used in a network of fitness clubs, which she opened a few years ago. Madonna advises that under any circumstances to stick to the regimen of the day.

For all your entertainment, training, rest, work should be allocated the exact amount of time. The singer’s fitness plan includes many activities: dancing, Pilates, cycling, karate, swimming, running, cycling, horseback riding, stretching and yoga. The main rule of the singer: training can be postponed, but can not be canceled.

Variety in training

Madonna is sure: you want to do sports, if it does not turn into a routine. There is no point in pulling iron in the gym every day, if you do not want to. Listen to your body: today – stretching, tomorrow – jogging, at the weekend – tennis in the park or a long walk. Fitness should be fun, not annoying or annoying.

Craig Smith, the star’s personal trainer, told about her passion for circuit training, which allows her to burn 30% more calories than normal exercise, and his colleague Tracy Anderson has created a fitness program for Madonna, mixing elements of dance, fitness and bodybuilding.

In addition to training in the gym, Madonna continues to swim in the pool, riding a bicycle or horseback riding. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to buy passes to different fitness studios in the city – half of the training can be done at home or on the street, the main thing is desire and creativity.

Here are just some of the exercises that can contain a basic training complex of the singer:

  • squats with bodybar and vertical press;
  • incline and backward arm extension with a body bar;
  • plank with alternating pulling legs up to the chest;
  • plank with alternating leg raises;
  • stepping on a step platform.

Dancing is a diva’s passion

Nicole Winhoffer, Madonna’s professional dancer and trainer, creates dance mixes for the singer with elements of Pilates, ballet, strength training and martial arts.

The singer’s dance workouts consist of movements that are most effective for burning fat. Depending on the intensity, an hour of dance training burns up to 500 kcal. It’s not just cardio, but also works on strength, endurance, flexibility and balance – perfect for the queen of pop.

Yoga practice

The singer has an intense rhythm of life, numerous tours, concerts and video shoots, so even during yoga she can’t slow down. Madonna chooses not calm meditation, but Ashtanga yoga. This is a dynamic type of practice – thanks to frequent intense movements, body temperature rises, which promotes profuse sweating, improves flexibility, strengthens muscles and tendons.

Madonna is convinced: yoga is fitness for the mind, body and soul.

Pilates and stretching

These classes improve flexibility, coordination and strength, as well as strengthen the back, which is especially important for Madonna as a dancer. During dance performances, the singer puts a lot of strain on her back, and Pilates training relieves the spine and forms the correct posture.

Exercises help to train the deep muscles of the body, to maintain the ideal shape of the abdomen. This is the only time in the star’s days when she can relax. Such training helps the singer to easily sit on the twine and perform the most difficult acrobatic numbers.

Control of nutrition

Throughout her life, Madonna has tried many diets and food systems. She sat on grapefruit, then on soups, but always remained a vegetarian. The singer gave up meat long ago, replacing it with nuts, mushrooms, seafood, legumes, cereals and other products.

Also, the star does not eat sweets – she compensates for them with fruits. In the singer’s diet is still a lot of peculiarities, but her main rule is to eat more often, but smaller portions. She never eats if she is not hungry. Food she chews long and carefully, so as not to miss the moment of satiation.

Madonna controls the drinking balance and every day drinks up to three liters of pure water. And the highlight of her diet considers all kinds of algae, rich in iodine and collagen.

Andrei Semeshov

Andrei Semeshov

Nutriciologist, fitness specialist

There is no such thing that if you eat 8 times a day in “sparrow-like” portions, you will look as good as Madonna. And if the same amount of food fit into one meal at night, you will certainly get fat. You need to choose a regimen that will be comfortable for you on a long run. And weight loss is not a short sprint, it should be a story stretched over time. You don’t gain weight in a month, so it’s just as much of a mistake to try to get rid of it in a month. I’m not saying it won’t work – you can get that result. But then there will be a quick and rapid rollback to previous positions, or even with an increase.

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