7 verbal habits that program for poverty

It is said that if thoughts and words were material, there would be no referees left in soccer… This humorous statement raises a very important aspect concerning thinking.

There is a big difference between “just saying or thinking” and directly working on the activity of the mind. Any thought expressed is information that has been processed by the brain, and it has a certain charge (including at the level of biochemistry) – negative or positive.

Our beliefs, principles, habits are nothing more than a set of connected thoughts, adherence to which creates something deeper, namely a state.

The word itself has both power and message. However, it becomes truly powerful when it becomes rooted in consciousness. From here, the word can (often unconsciously) program our reality.

Catherine of Tours

Physician, psychosomatologist, neuropsychologist, specialist in working with anxiety

“Neuropsychologists say, ‘How we think is how we live.’ The fact is that our thoughts and attitudes, with which we identify ourselves, directly affect the work of the brain, namely the creation of new neural connections and the rooting of existing ones. Whether we like it or not, this also applies to the financial side of our lives.”

It’s important to note that money mindset work is not a concoction of special rituals. Having multiple wallets, putting a coin in your shoe, etc. It’s about working through the mindset as a whole: analyzing negative attitudes and their occurrence, creating positive habits.

Remember that there is a scientific approach, which implies your involvement in the process of correcting the conscious, subconscious and unconscious. It can be lengthy and involves physical and mental labor.

Of course, we always want to solve everything quickly and easily, as if by magic. Alas, it doesn’t work that way. Don’t feed your anxiety, don’t look for quick results. Rely on proven sources and follow your unique path.

So, let’s get back to money and look at the word habits that are so tightly entrenched in our vocabulary that they affect both our mindset and how we treat finances.

Habit #1. “I’m not worthy.”

This negative money habit can apply not only to beginners, but also to professionals in their field. What do we have here? A person is unhappy with their financial situation, but their self-esteem is low and they feel guilty for wanting to correct it. “I shouldn’t want more, I’m not worthy,” – this thought sober him up sharply and puts him in his place as soon as there is a desire to ask for a raise.

In fact, such attitudes are often formed in childhood and are closely related to the manifestation of himself as a person. Parents, often besieging the child, reminding him or her to behave quietly and try not to draw attention to themselves, bring up a “comfortable” person. First – for themselves, then – for the whole society.

Habit #2. “Why change anything? Everything is good as it is!”

This thought has a double character. On the one hand, it is about gratitude, but on the other hand, it is about depriving a person of the opportunity to see something new and the desire to strive for more.

Usually we adopt this attitude from grandparents, who, having seen life, indulge in memories of their youth and stay in their comfort zone. Poverty exists where there is no development. We need to realize that we ourselves create opportunities for growth, including career and monetary prosperity.

It is important to be here and now, to be happy with what we have, but at the same time it is necessary not to burrow into a cocoon where it is warm and safe. From time to time you need to expand it, make it bigger and better.

Habit #3. “It is necessary to save money. At any cost.”

When it comes to the need to save money, few people analyze their income and expenses. More often it goes like this: “I’ll put aside everything I have! I won’t buy the necessary clothes – I’ll do without. I won’t go to a long-awaited performance – I didn’t really want to. I’ll buy all the groceries only on promotion.”

Sounds sad, to say the least. Saving money should be reasonable! To do it at any cost means to significantly reduce the quality of your life. Pay attention to how much and on what you spend, as well as on what you can give up or replace with a budget analog.

For example, if you have long dreamed of going to a concert, saving on it will not only spoil your mood, but, as a rule, will not enrich you fabulously. But, let’s say, the monetary limit on food delivery or on the purchase of sweets can affect the state of health, among other things!

Habit #4. “I’ll save it for a rainy day…”

Thinking about the future is good, but doing it in a negative way is bad. This verbal habit echoes the previous one a bit, but in this context, one can’t help but notice the extremely depressing message. The attitude, adopted from the older generation, is as if not letting us forget that “our tomorrow is hazy, and it’s likely to be bad”.

You can’t be truly wealthy financially if you’re afraid of something. Wealth is about freedom. It doesn’t accept any clichés. Yes, of course, a “rich” person calculates, tries to anticipate and think things through, may be afraid of something and have a plan B, but they don’t live in total negativity.

Having a predominantly negative mindset and being in a defensive posture means always being on edge. Imagine walking home at night in pitch darkness. You’re scared. You’re tense. The only thing on your mind is, “I can’t wait to get home.” That’s it. Tension always has a numbing effect on thinking, and money thinking in this case is no exception.

Habit #5. “It’s not the money that makes you happy! The rich cry too…”

The need to justify one’s situation or unwillingness to do something sometimes leads people to false conclusions about finances. Surely you have heard these phrases: “All the rich are thieves”, “Money is earned by sweat and blood”, “Money makes people unhappy”, etc. This is an example of forming extremely negative beliefs that provoke and fix at the level of consciousness that money is evil. Since it’s about something bad, then it’s unnecessary.

The fear of money and earning money, unfortunately, arises without taking into account modern realities. It not only binds a person “hand and foot”, but also deprives him of variability, the ability to choose for himself worthy. Despite doubts and worries, money is also good: realization of charitable projects, ensuring the receipt of training and professional development courses, the ability to buy necessary medicines, etc.

Anti-examples for some reason always sound louder from the mouths of acquaintances and from TV screens. Do not let bad thoughts settle in your head. Live according to your conscience and look at others less often. Create your own story.

Habit #6. “You shouldn’t buy expensive things so you won’t be envied.”

Some of us were raised by our parents to believe that standing out is not a good thing, and that showing off what you have is bragging and trying to intentionally make others envious. Pathologically afraid of it, we not only fail to realize our big dreams, but on an emotional level we forbid ourselves from earning it.

“Someone will be jealous, and our money will be stolen!” – on the background of the fear of envy there is an infinite number of other fears related to the financial side of life. Such a verbal habit, which has neurotic roots, is often a redistributed anxiety of a person.

An anxious person sometimes sees things that are not there and likes to speculate for those around them: “Everyone seems to see how I’ve gotten better,” “Everyone has definitely noticed that I bought new expensive boots,” etc. But, the truth is, the people around you don’t really care…..

There are certainly people who are angry and envious, but you are not the center of their universe. Yes, it’s important for them to get negative emotional reinforcement over and over again. But where they get it from is irrelevant. Work through your anxiety, don’t live someone else’s non-existent thoughts about you and your money.

Habit #7. “No matter how much money you make, it’s still not enough!”

The deficit state of the psyche and body sooner or later begins to touch on the subject of money. A person who has emptiness inside will always have to expend more and more emotional, physical or financial resources. Money in this case is also a way to close other needs, which our subconscious so skillfully presents as the main goal for a certain period of time.

For example, an insecure girl is eager to buy exclusively branded things. Even those in which are not too comfortable. It seems to her that they seem to serve her from the best side. Therefore, you can suffer – both financially and physically.

If you feel that you no longer have enough income or the income you receive “goes through your fingers”, it is important to deal not only with the objective side (inflation or new expenses for a gym membership, increased payments for utilities, etc.), but also with the subjective (emotional state, “compensation” for stress, etc.).

What to do if you have such habits?

  1. Recognize the existence of this or that belief. Without hesitation and compromise, face the truth.
  2. Write out on a piece of paper those beliefs that affect your relationship with money. Read it several times (preferably out loud). What do you feel?
  3. Divide the sheet into two columns. In the left column write down the pluses of your “habit”, in the right – the minuses. The main thing is that these are concrete facts, not vague judgments. For example, the plus side of total savings is my savings of five thousand rubles, but the minus side is the missed opportunity to buy an annual subscription to a massage to support my back.

This written (mandatory!) exercise will allow you to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your beliefs. Do not neglect to work on your thinking, because it is capable of much!

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