Berry tea: Prof. Kanevskaya revealed the main health benefits of the drink
Berry tea is not only a fragrant and tasty drink, but also a good source of vitamins and antioxidants. It is popular among both lovers of a healthy
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5 Lenten variations of everyone’s favorite dishes. Recipes from the chef
5 Lenten variations of everyone’s favorite dishes. Recipes from the chef April 24, 2024, 19:15 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element. Here’s how
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What is sleet: nutriciologist told about the benefits and harms of the plant for health
Common Snowdrop is a perennial herbaceous plant with small white flowers in umbrellas. It appears in early spring and is widespread in almost all parts of Europe, Western
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Curd Easter: confectioner told how to properly prepare a festive dessert
On May 5, Orthodox believers celebrate Pascha, or the Resurrection of Christ, the oldest Christian holiday. The origins of the holiday go back in time and are intertwined
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Sour cream Easter: pastry chef revealed step-by-step recipe for preparing the dessert
Dyed eggs and everyone’s favorite kulichi are mandatory attributes of one of the main Christian holidays – Easter. You can also add to this row such a dessert
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What to cook without meat? 3 hearty and nutritious dishes from the brand-chef
brand-chef of the fast food delivery service PizzaSushiWok “Many meatless dishes, such as Japanese noodles with vegetables, avocado rolls and many other items are not only healthy, but
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Ketokulich for Easter: nutritionist told about the subtleties of preparing a healthy dessert
One of the important attributes of Easter, in addition to dyed eggs, are kulichi. This dessert is considered a symbol of resurrection and new life. The traditional Easter
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Royal Easter: pastry chef gave a simple recipe for a festive dessert
Easter, along with kulich, is one of the most important Easter dishes. This dessert cannot be called light in calories, but it perfectly complements the festive table. One
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The ideal vegetable for weight loss: gastroenterologist explained the benefits of Peking cabbage
Cabbage comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The common white cabbage has a round sphere with leaves bent inward to form a compact ball. Meanwhile, Peking
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Minus 20 kilograms in 10 days: nutritionist told about the pros and cons of the Dukan diet
The Dukan diet is one of the varieties of protein diet, which was proposed in the early 90’s by French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. Together with the expert, we
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