How to lose weight with yoga? Slow workouts can be fat-burning too

Lyubov Fialkina

hatha yoga teacher, yoga therapist

Is it possible to lose weight with the help of yoga? Who is suitable for this method?

We are used to the idea that yoga is about keeping one single pose for a certain period of time. And such a view does not go well with losing excess weight, does it? However, it’s not that simple.

What kind of yoga is called fat-burning yoga?

The concept of fat-burning yoga can include both individual directions, and some types of asanas, intervals of classes. Let’s consider everything in order.

There is a huge number of varieties of yoga.

Classical hatha yoga – burns about 189 kcal per hour. Being in asanas from 30 seconds to five minutes, with the adjustment of body position and muscle work. Practices use not only asanas, but also breathing techniques, pranayama, meditation, visualization, and relaxation practices.

Ashtanga Vinyasa – power yoga, burns about 354 kcal per hour. Famous for combining movement with breathing and power asanas.

Bikram yoga – hot yoga, burns about 477 kcal per hour. Classes are held in special humid rooms at a temperature of about +40℃.

Any other types of yoga include the same set of asanas and the same breathing practices as described above. But the way of performing, time of staying in asanas, smoothness of transitions between them are different.

I teach hatha yoga with elements of yoga therapy. Such classes do not belong to either classical cardio training or strength training. However, my students notice a decrease in the volume of the waist and hips by 2-4 cm for 2-4 months of classes at an intensity of two classes per week.

How to lose weight with the help of classical yoga?

  • It is always possible to give a cardio block on the warmed up body in the middle of the practice. This way we not only burn fat, but also gently train the cardiovascular system with a subsequent cool down.
  • The practices utilize warming pranayamas that trigger the detoxification mechanisms.

Whatever type of practice you choose for yourself, in any case yoga is about the process of ecological attitude to your body, the ability to listen to yourself, your needs. To give the body a rest when it is required, and sufficient physical activity within the framework. Yoga should be practiced with love for yourself and your body!

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