How to pump up abs with dumbbells. 3 simple exercises for home and gym

How to pump up abs with dumbbells. 3 simple exercises for home and gym

How to pump abs with dumbbells?

You will need only 15 minutes for training.

It’s time to get ready for the summer season. And right now you need to pay special attention to your body, including your abs. If the usual exercises are too easy for you or you want to diversify your workouts, try pumping your abs with weights. Dumbbells, for example, are a great option. But if you don’t have them, you can use other items as well.

Egor Fukalov

Fitness trainer

Dumbbells can be replaced by various Velcro weights, you can take a kettlebell, medball – whatever you like. You can even do exercises with whatever is at hand, such as bottles of a weight that is comfortable for you.

Hang on the bar


  • Hang on the bar, legs clamp a dumbbell to give more weight.
  • Raise your knees up to your chest, tilting your pelvis slightly forward in a semicircle.
  • Hold the legs at the top for half a second and gently release.

Perform the exercise for five minutes with small breaks for rest.

Twists with arm raises

Execution technique

  • Lie on the floor, lift your legs up so that there is a 90-degree angle in the knees.
  • Take a dumbbell and raise your arms up.
  • Pull your shoulder blades off the floor and stretch your arms as high as possible, keep your lower back on the floor.
  • Return to the starting position.

Do the exercise for five minutes with small breaks for rest.

You can diversify your workouts with these exercises. The most important rule is to carefully choose the weight according to your strength.

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