Lose weight without working out: 7 simple research-backed tips for losing weight

Many people want to look slim and trim, but not everyone is ready to go on diets and sweat in the gym. Fortunately, it is possible to stay in shape not only through dietary restrictions and exercise.

Recent scientific research proves that the weight of a person is influenced by seemingly insignificant and even surprising, at first glance, factors.

Let’s tell you what simple flyhacks will help you lose weight without making any special efforts.

Do not stay up late

The quality of sleep is fundamentally important for human health in general. Interestingly, the lack of night rest is reflected not only on the face of the sleep-deprived person, but also on the scales.

The fact is that during sleep, the body spends an average of 50-70 kcal per hour, with the main energy expenditure occurs in the first half of the night. Therefore, those who care about weight should lie down early.

During sleep, the body actively produces hormones responsible for metabolism. Regular sleep deprivation leads to a violation of the hormonal background, as well as deterioration of digestion. Food is worse digested, which contributes to the appearance of extra pounds.

In addition, lack of sleep increases the level of ghrelin – the hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger. Therefore, a person who does not get enough sleep is more likely to want to eat. In addition, the body tries to compensate for the lack of energy with products high in sugar, which also negatively affects the figure.

Sleep in complete darkness

By the way, the quality of sleep is not always determined by its duration. To help the body recover properly, you need to sleep in complete darkness. Close the curtains tightly, turn off all flickering lights from chargers, monitors and other appliances. Alternatively, use a sleep mask.

Extraneous light, even not very bright, disrupts circadian rhythms and negatively affects hormone production. Experiments with animals showed that individuals who slept with a constantly blinking light bulb, with the same diet gained weight faster than those who slept in complete darkness.

Take sunbathing

While it’s really best to insulate your room from outside lights at night, it’s a good idea to open the curtains right after waking up and let the sunlight into the room.

If you stay in the sunlight for 20-30 minutes every morning, you can help your body in the fight against excess weight. This is confirmed by the results of a study by scientists from Northwestern University in the United States. The fact is that sunlight perfectly adjusts the biological clock of a person, thereby activating metabolism and all internal processes in the body.

Choose dishes of “unappetizing” colors

To prevent weight gain, it is important to establish control over the amount of food consumed. Strange but scientifically proven tricks can help. So, according to colorists, dishes of blue, purple, gray and black colors significantly reduces appetite, but red, yellow and green plates, on the contrary, provoke to eat as much as possible.

Also reduce portions will help to reduce the contrast of food and dishes. American scientists have proved that a person will eat 30% more pasta in tomato sauce if it is served on a red plate rather than on a white one.

Eat from small plates

Another easy way to trick your stomach while eating is to use smaller utensils. It has been proven that a portion of the same size on a large plate is eaten much faster than on a small plate. This effect was discovered in the XIX century and was called “Delboeuf’s illusion”.

Scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology conducted a study that confirmed this theory. It turned out that reducing the diameter of the plate by 5 cm allows you to eat 22% less food. Thus, a simple trick will help you lose about 5 kg in a year.

Take your time while eating

In the modern rhythm of life, snacking on the run and express lunches have long become the norm, but experts advise you to take your time when eating. As a rule, real satiety occurs earlier than we feel it, because the signal from the stomach to the brain goes with a slight delay.

In order not to eat too much, you need to stretch the pleasure, eat small pieces and savor the taste of dishes. All the more, and the digestive system will benefit from this advice.

Try products with a “fifth flavor”

The right diet is one of the main factors affecting a person’s weight. But to maintain a slim figure, it is not necessary to sit on rigid diets and count every calorie. Some products can have such an effective effect on the body that even a slight increase in their consumption helps to lose weight.

Such a property is noted in products that have “umami” (Jap. “pleasant taste”), or “fifth taste”. This category includes mushrooms, seaweed, green tea and tomatoes, among others. The Japanese believe that the flavor of these foods does not fit within the four basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. The secret of food with “umami” is in the high content of natural monosodium glutamate, which enhances the taste sensations. American scientists have found out that after eating foods with the fifth flavor, the feeling of satiety is present longer.

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