Evolution of sneakers: from slippers with spikes to technological masterpieces for 100 thousand rubles
Today sneakers can be bought not only in sports, but also in ordinary shoe
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What is the Tao: 7 laws that make a person truly happy
neurocoach Tao literally translates from Chinese as “the way.” It is the supreme law
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What to cook for Shrovetide, except pancakes? Recipe for fish pilaf and lazy charlotte
It won’t be long before Pancake Day begins – a holiday celebrated during the
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Fitness trainer names 11 superfoods for runners that boost endurance
Running is one of the most accessible and effective ways to strengthen the whole
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Japanese wabi-sabi philosophy: how to become happy without straining at all?
Eastern philosophers and sages have no equal in finding mental balance. Great minds, having
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What sports clothes and shoes are dangerous to buy second hand, and what is very possible?
Have you heard about the eco-friendly trend? Yes, it is fashionable to take care
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Where dreams come true. 5 places in Russia where you can make a wish
President of Pro-Vision, author of the Vinogradov.story community “Any journey becomes doubly interesting if
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Wheat pasta: is it acceptable in an athlete’s diet? Fitness trainer answers
Wheat pasta: is it acceptable in an athlete’s diet? Fitness trainer answers Daria Kuzenskaya
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A doctor has named the root causes of why you can’t deny yourself a burger
physician, psychosomatologist, neuropsychologist We all want to look good. At the same time, everyone
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Caps a la “Sharp Visors,” cool baseball caps and 6 more trendy headwear for spring and summer
stylist With the arrival of warmth, hats are usually pushed to the back burner.
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