Protagonist: How Ryan Reynolds prepares for filming

Principles of nutrition for gaining muscle mass and changing the vector of training. What path an actor takes from role to role.

We tell you about the routine of a superhero with a personal fitness trainer.

The relief body of Ryan Reynolds is considered one of the best among actors in Hollywood. Known for his roles in “Deadpool”, “The Proposal”, “The Third Man Out” and the just released “Protagonist” Ryan pays great attention to the training and nutrition program to make his body look great in the frame.

Ryan’s body preparation for filming is usually handled by Bobby Strom and Don Saladino, who have a few trade secrets for achieving the perfect body. We reveal these secrets and tell you about the actor’s nutrition.

Elisaveta Andreeva

Fitness trainer

For the roles that Ryan Reynolds plays, it is necessary to develop not only muscular strength, but also strength endurance, coordination and perhaps even flexibility.

Ryan’s nutritional guidelines

Nutrition is an important part in the life of any person who wants to achieve a pumped-up figure, as it is what helps to gain muscle mass and emphasize the relief of the body.

In the diet of the Canadian actor there is one main rule: do not allow even the slightest feeling of hunger. It is necessary to eat six times a day in small portions and monitor the water balance of the body. To build muscle, the diet should include more high-protein products, such as eggs, fish, chicken, steaks, nuts, protein shakes. Before intense workouts, Ryan prepares meals with complex carbohydrates because they provide a lot of energy and endurance. So safely eat hard pasta, porridge, brown rice, buckwheat.

Ryan’s second rule is to eat more fruits and vegetables for faster digestion. The fact that fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on human metabolism.

The actor additionally uses sports nutrition: proteins, VSAA, vitamin complexes. He does this to accelerate muscle growth and help the body to recover. Before shooting in the movies Reynolds drinks a course of fat burners to make more relief forms. Fat burners trigger the metabolism and prevent fat from being absorbed into the tissues. They suppress the feeling of hunger, but are useless if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Workout by Bobby Strom

Immediately for several landmark movies, Ryan prepared with personal trainer Bobby Strom. He created for Reynolds superhero training program, which was aimed at almost all muscle groups. The actor was made to work out 7 days a week for 90 minutes a day for 6 months.

He starts his workout with running on a treadmill to warm up the body for 10-15 minutes. After that, a full-body workout can be done. You need to perform this set of exercises 4 times.

Ryan Reynolds’ abs workout

  1. Squats on an incline bench – 15 to 20 repetitions;
  2. Leg raises in a hanging position – 15 to 20 repetitions;
  3. Rope chops – 15 to 20 reps;
  4. Walking lunges. Perform these exercises with or without weights, depending on your fitness level. Do 3 to 4 sets of 50 reps each;
  5. Bench press – 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps each;
  6. Bench press – 3 sets of 15-20 reps each.

In addition to the above exercises, Strom told Reynolds to do a number of other exercises: BOSU ball, TRX workout, yoga, kickboxing, plyometrics, Pilates.

Workout from Don Saladino

Back in 2004, when the movie Blade 3: Trinity came out, Reynolds had to learn what a superhero transformation was all about. Then he gained 11 kilograms of muscle in three weeks. But a new level of physicality was revealed to the actor after meeting trainer Don Saladino a decade ago.

The actor has yet to show off his Hollywood muscles in the upcoming movies: “Deadpool 3,” “Black Adam” and the sequel to “Protagonist.” That’s why Reynolds and Saladino continue to work out together.

The approach to training has changed a bit in recent years. Ryan used to devote one day to one body part and start training with heavy strength exercises, such as cor. However, due to age and nagging injuries sustained during filming, the routine had to be changed.

Now Reynolds’ workout starts with 10-15 minutes of mobility to get the body moving and open. After come the strength exercises: Ryan distributes the load on each part of the body evenly for five days. Now he doesn’t have to be afraid of missing a leg day and then waiting a whole week, because in his routine, every day is a leg day.

One muscle group is pumped per workout: chest on Monday, legs on Tuesday, back on Wednesday, shoulders on Thursday, biceps on Friday, triceps on Saturday, and rest on Sunday. This approach to training is fundamentally different from the approach of Bobby Strom, who performed with the actor exercises for all muscle groups on the same day.

Also Saladino assures that the muscles of the press, although it is necessary to pay special attention, but to perform an endless number of monotonous twists ineffective. The trainer believes that it is better to focus on heavy exercises that you can perform only 7-10 times. One of his favorites is reverse twists on an incline bench.

Elisaveta Andreeva

fitness trainer

Bobby Strom’s versatile approach to training would make more sense for an actor. Coach Strom adds not only muscle hypertrophy exercises (to increase muscle volume) to his workouts, but also exercises like BOSU for coordination, yoga for flexibility and kickboxing for endurance and certain skills.
As for Don Saladino’s approach, his workouts are more familiar to the average gym-goer and more competent in terms of increasing muscle mass. These workouts do not imply the development of other indicators.

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