Removing fat from the lower abdomen. Effective exercise for beautiful abs and thin waistline

The road to the perfect figure can be a difficult one. A lot of training and proper nutrition will help to achieve results, but it is also important to study a huge amount of information. After all, sometimes we make mistakes that slow down the achievement of results.

Ekaterina Kononova

fitness trainer, master of sports in fitness and bodybuilding

To make the lower abdomen flat, you need to work on the transverse abs. You also need to eat right and do cardio workouts in your fat-burning zone.

The abs are a very strong muscle group. In normal work, they are only utilized by 3-5%. If you work at their maximum, you will get soreness and discomfort during workouts.

If you dream of a slim waist and a flat stomach, you need to work on a muscle that we do not pay attention to. Or maybe we don’t even know about its existence, because it is an internal muscle and it is hidden under the straight line. We’re talking about the transverse muscle. It is she who allows the formation of a thin waist, beautiful posture and does not allow the bulging of the front wall of the abdomen.

How to do twists to pump the transverse muscle

The question, of course, is quite banal, but nevertheless still relevant and very important. All problems begin with the wrong technique.


  • Lie down on the mat. Keep your hands at your temples, with your elbows looking straight ahead.
  • Slightly twist the pelvis, taking it 1-2 cm off the floor. At the same time press the feet into the floor.
  • Pull the body off the floor by 30-40 degrees (only the shoulders and shoulder blades are raised), pulling in the lower abdomen. Concentrate on this area and keep it tense. The lower back is pressed to the floor.
  • Lower to the starting position.

This is the correct version of twisting, but often they should not be done.

Unusual exercise that will help to remove fat from the lower abdomen

In addition to the classic twists, there is another exercise that will help to remove fat from the lower abdomen. It is called “elevator” – it is a variation of the vacuum.


  • Get on all fours. Legs together, palms are under the shoulders and pressed to the floor, shoulder blades down and brought together, chest forward.
  • Inflate the abdomen.With an exhalation, starting from the pelvic floor muscles, smoothly contract the transverse muscles, going up to the ribs.
  • Linger in this position for 15-30 seconds, you can gradually increase the time.
  • Relax, blow out the stomach and repeat the exercise.

Perform 5-8 such cycles.

For detailed performance of the exercise, see the video on the “Championship”.

This exercise can be done at any time: on an empty stomach or some time after eating, not immediately. It is not a diaphragmatic vacuum, and we do not affect the gastrointestinal tract. However, you should not do this exercise during menstruation and painful ovulation.

Another important point would be cardio exercises. They should be done in your pulse fat-burning zone, it is calculated individually. Training should be moderate, you should not exercise to exhaustion. However, if you still want to do intensive training, remember that the body must recover well afterwards.

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