What happens to the body if you combine smoking and sports?

Cigarettes are an old enemy of man. On TV, on the Internet, in advertisements, even on the packages of cigarettes – everywhere we hear about the terrible consequences of tobacco use. Therefore, many people believe that real athletes should not smoke, because it is not only harmful to health, but also reverses the benefits of training. But are cigarettes really so dangerous for people with good health?

How does smoking affect weight?

Many people believe that smoking helps control body weight. Some even explain this harmful habit precisely because, having given up cigarettes, will certainly gain weight. And although the consequences of a couple of extra pounds are incomparable to the result of years of tobacco use, we should not forget about the dangers of excess body weight – for example, increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and hypertension.

The question of why people gain weight after quitting smoking is not fully understood. On the one hand, body weight is affected by nicotine contained in cigarettes. On the other hand, psychologists believe that smoking serves as a behavioral alternative to food, which leads to a reduction in food intake and weight loss. This is why some bodybuilders, as paradoxical as it may sound, purposely start smoking during the drying process in order to equalize the feeling of hunger.

How do cigarettes affect muscle mass?

Scientists have proven that smoking reduces the number of small blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients to leg muscles.

The study, conducted by the University of California, San Diego in conjunction with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the University of Cocci, examined the effects of smoking on muscle. For 8 weeks, the subjects either inhaled tobacco smoke or received intramuscular injections of a solution containing smoke bubbles.

The results found that cigarette smoke actually damages muscles by reducing the number of blood vessels in the leg muscles, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen and nutrients they can receive. This, in turn, can negatively affect metabolism and activity levels.

How does smoking affect bones?

Every year, 4-10% of bone tissue is renewed in humans. Free radicals, which are present in smokers in excess, inhibit the production of certain types of cells responsible for regenerating bone mass. Because of this, bones become much less strong. According to studies, smoking athletes often suffer from diseases such as joint inflammation and tendon degeneration. They tend to take longer to recover from injuries and have a higher risk of complications.

What’s the first thing that smokers have problems with?

The heart, of course. The chemicals in tobacco smoke damage blood cells, as well as disrupting the structure and function of blood vessels. Because of this, the work of the heart and increases the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Smoking is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Combined with others such as high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, overweight or obesity, tobacco use further increases the risk of disorders.

Is it possible to combine sports and smoking?

Sports doctor Anton Epifanov believes that an athlete-smoker is first of all a smoker and then an athlete. In his opinion, the most important problem arising from the consumption of cigarettes is a disturbed metabolism. It is for this reason that bones heal more slowly, tendons suffer, and heart disease develops. The doctor admits that cigarettes help to relieve tension after difficult workouts, but this effect is nothing compared to the damage they cause.

Anton: “I respect every person’s choice, but when it comes to smoking, I think the main thing is that the choice should be based on facts, not emotions. If a person realizes that he recovers longer than others because he smokes and continues to smoke, that’s one option. If he just thinks he’s not at risk for cancer (which is a reasonable expectation even for a smoker, because not every smoker gets cancer), that’s just a misunderstanding.”

Like any bad habit, smoking will not be good for an athlete or a person far from physical activity. Cigarette consumption has a negative impact on health, and it is difficult to call such an addiction part of a healthy lifestyle. However, in the end, everyone makes his or her own decision.

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