What posture says about character: 4 personality types that are determined by back posture

Catherine of Tours

physician, psychosomatologist, neuropsychologist

What can a person’s tendency to slouch say? I propose to analyze the relationship between posture and character, learn to analyze the possible causes of problems and work on their elimination.

Body language in psychology

Once there was a very curious sociological experiment. Researchers decided to find out how people on the street react to two opposing types of human behavior. One was expressed in a confident gait, firm posture, proudly raised head, and the second – in the absence of a smile on the face, inwardly slumped shoulders and small uncertain steps.

The purpose of the experiment was to find an answer to the question – whether body language affects the perception of a person by other people.

It’s not hard to guess what the results were. People reacted immediately to the first type. Such a person attracted the gaze of passers-by, causing a variety of feelings – from admiration to envy. The second type of behavior, in turn, was either ignored or pushed to the evaluation with a “minus” sign. The looks of people passing by as if non-verbally spoke about pity, sympathy or even the desire to suppress such a person.

The experiment unequivocally proved: body language is very important, it is an integral part of a person’s image. So why does this happen?

Body language in psychology and psychosomatics is responsible for the unconscious perception of us by other people, and them by us. It is about reading a person by non-verbal signs. The process is both very complex, but at the same time quite explainable.

For example, a lie can be recognized by a certain position of the hands and actions that a person unconsciously performs when telling a lie. We can also distinguish between an open and closed interlocutor, noting for ourselves how confident and easy he is in public.

So, the brightest, visible and felt sign of confidence is exactly the correct posture of a person. In brief, it is about the balance of physiological position of the spine. Unfortunately, few people manage to keep it.

According to statistics, every third person in Russia has one or another type of spinal curvature. This data is frightening for both doctors and psychologists. Recently, it is the latter who are trying to draw the attention of the population to such a psychosomatic law, which says: “It is easier to prevent than to treat”.

You may have a question: “Can incorrect posture and spinal diseases be prevented, moreover, with the help of psychology”?

To answer this, I suggest tracing the most common chain linking psyche and physiology. Let’s imagine that a person is constantly under stress: a large amount of work, little rest, demanding boss, etc.

Realizing a large front of tasks, he spends all his time at the computer. At the same time, of course, sits behind the monitor, neglecting the physiological needs of his body. The loyal character of such a person will act as an aggravating factor. Attitudes like “I must”, “I am a subordinate”, “I am small and want to hide” will start working against him. They will consolidate the wrong position.

All of the above factors combined will lead to posture disorders to a greater or lesser degree. Interestingly, it is possible to engage in sports, regularly strengthening the muscles of the back, but still continue to slouch and in the future face recurrences of spinal disorders.

Personality types according to the posture of a person

In psychology there is a whole typology of personalities depending on the position of the spine, that is, posture: hysterical, psychopathic, masochistic and schizoid. Let us consider each in a little more detail.

1- The hysterical type needs attention and recognition, so the posture here is usually confident and straight, even as if defiantly demonstrating their “public play”. The position of the back is perceived by others as plastic and mobile, as if such a person easily and without strain to hold steady.

2. Psychopathic type – these are people who, on the contrary, are read by opponents as a “bundle of tension”. The desire to control everything and even to show their superiority is inevitably imprinted on their posture: tension and pride are felt.

3- The masochistic type can be traced to people whose back is almost always in the wrong position. Because of insecurity and embarrassment, they almost always slouch. Their arms are heavy at the seams. Their shoulders are desperately trying to “connect with each other,” making their backs unnaturally rounded.

4- The schizoid type is usually short people of medium or thin constitution. Slouching here is clearly expressed by upwardly raised shoulders. Also this type has such a distinctive feature as the inability to maintain eye contact with opponents. From the outside it seems that a person is trying to hide and become invisible to others.

Psychosomatics of the back

The spine and back in psychosomatics symbolize the pillar of vital forces, the basis of the foundations of the human body. It is they “carry” the weight of unrealized ideas, unrealized dreams, the weight of resentments and mistakes of the past.

Just imagine for a moment that such emotional heaviness has a physical, material expression? Let’s assume that one regret about the past is equal to 2 kilograms of potatoes. Try to count how many such “buckets of potatoes” you carry with you (or rather – on yourself) every day. Sometimes we do not even realize how much we complicate our lives, as well as the work and functionality of our body. Why does a person starts to put a heavy burden on his back? A number of common reasons can be identified.

What to pay attention to if you notice that you began to slouch:

1. Self-confidence. The main thing is not to lie to yourself and work well with this property of personality, because self-deception, as well as deception of others, will certainly reveal itself. Unnatural and flamboyant position of the shoulders, neck and head, first, will look comical from the outside, and secondly, it is simply impossible to maintain it for a long time.

Be honest with yourself, do not try to portray confidence, but pump it up in reality.

2- Personal boundaries. Often in practice there are two scenarios: when they are blurred or on the contrary – deliberately delineated. Depending on the scenario you are living, your posture changes (in one case – obvious slouching, hunched over, in the other – either tension or closed).
Be sure to work on getting in touch with yourself, your psyche and your body. It is this approach that will create acceptable personal boundaries without misalignment.

3. Fears. When a person is afraid of something real) not irrational), physiologically the body responds with the command to “shrink, hide”. What are you really afraid of?
Work through your psychological fears and clamps, because back problems won’t go away even if you exercise.

It’s also important to note that it’s not always about “body psychology.” Slouching and other problems associated with the spine may have other causes: injuries, age-related changes, hereditary predisposition, etc. Therefore, before diagnosing yourself by “google searches” and choosing treatment tactics, consult your doctor.

Of course, there are methods of correcting back health, as well as methods of getting rid of slouching. About them we will talk further.

How to help yourself?

1. consult a doctor

The back, like any other part of the body, is the prerogative of a medical professional. Sometimes a timely consultation saves from problems in the future. Do not delay, if something bothers you – go to the doctor.

2. Find time for sports

Of course, you need to know if you have any contraindications. A visit to the gym, especially under the guidance of a rehabilitation coach, a subscription to the swimming pool, yoga classes – all this will not only strengthen the back, but also improve your overall health. Remember that medical restrictions or contraindications do not exempt you from a five-minute exercise in the morning and a pleasant stretch in the evening.

3. Analyze your psycho-emotional state

In the overeating story, for example, yummy treats are a means to satisfy emotional hunger. Something similar can come up in the topic with the back. Here and the weight of resentment, and pathological insecurity. An excellent way out will be a personal therapy with a psychologist. It is also worth studying special literature and start practicing meditation.

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