Work out your middle delts in the gym. Workout for spot muscle training

Work out your middle delts in the gym. Workout for point muscle development

Video workout: how to pump up the middle delts?

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Just three exercises will work this part of your shoulders.

To get the most out of your workout, you need to start preparing for it in advance. First, choose a muscle group to work on, and then make an exercise plan.

But even here not everything is so simple, if you take the training on your hands, it should not consist only of movements that transfer the emphasis to the biceps. The complex should alternate muscle groups, this will allow you to evenly load the entire body, creating a beautiful relief.

For example, do two exercises for biceps, then two for triceps and the same amount for delts. And if many people know about the exercises for the first two muscle groups, the deltoids may raise a question. But in the meantime, they play an important role in the withdrawal and flexion of the arms, so it is important to engage them by adding certain movements to the complex. You can find three useful exercises for pumping up the middle segment of the shoulders in the video by soccer player and fitness instructor Anton Piskunov.

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