7 foods rich in vitamin E. Nutritionist tells us where to look for it

Nata Gončars

founder of the International Institute of Integrative Nutritionology

Which foods have the most vitamin E?

Vitamin E is one of the basic vitamins for health. This fat-soluble vitamin protects the body from aging, normalizes hormones and improves memory. Is it possible to find such an important vitamin in foods without eating a mountain of pills?

Why you need vitamin E

It is important for the full functioning of the body. The vitamin’s specialty is its antioxidant properties: it protects cell membranes, proteins, fats and DNA from the negative effects of free radicals and toxic compounds, preventing them from spreading throughout the body. It also affects blood clotting and circulation, helping to prevent the development of thrombosis.

Vitamin E performs a number of important functions:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves memory;
  • is responsible for the health of the cell membrane;
  • protects red blood cells from free-radical oxidation (this process accelerates cell aging and increases the risk of cancer);
  • prevents excessive formation of platelets, improves blood circulation to organs and tissues;
  • reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart failure;
  • supports the production of the hormone progesterone, the proper formation of the placenta in pregnancy;
  • normalizes the hormonal background;
  • normalizes the work of the sex glands, increases potency;
  • accelerates recovery processes;
  • favorably affects the formation of collagen and elastin, supports connective tissue.

However, I do not advise to use it for people with cholelithiasis or urolithiasis. A full-fledged substitute would be sunflower unrefined oil or hazelnut oil. A teaspoon of either of them in a salad or sauce will help to fill a third of the daily requirement for vitamin E. Fill the remaining 2/3 of your allowance with other foods.

Flavorful almonds

Almonds can be eaten pure, added to different dishes or brought into the diet in the form of almond milk, butter or flour.

In 100 g of nut contains 26 mg of vitamin E, a large percentage of Omega-3, protein, calcium and fiber. The fatty acids in almonds improve and speed up the absorption of vitamin E.

I recommend soaking almonds before eating (at least eight hours) and eating them with the brown skin on. It is rich in the plant antioxidants flavonoids.

Pine nuts

A handful of pine nuts contains 2.7 mg of vitamin E, which covers the daily requirement of it by 18%. These nuts are rich in the minerals magnesium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones, support energy metabolism and boost performance.

Cedar has fat-soluble vitamin A, which combines well with vitamin E, helping both to be better absorbed.


Broccoli is a natural detoxifier that removes toxins, excess sugar, cholesterol and carcinogens (increase the risk of cancer) from the body. Broccoli is impressive in its vitamin E content: 100 g of the vegetable covers 10% of the daily allowance.

I recommend eating broccoli raw or after a slight heat treatment. To preserve all the beneficial substances, including vitamin E, steam broccoli for no more than 5-10 minutes.


Half a sweet fruit contains 1.5 mg of vitamin E, which corresponds to 10% of the daily norm. Juicy and flavorful tropical fruit today can be found in many stores. When choosing a fruit, pay attention to the condition of the rind: it should not have any damage, cracks and signs of rotting.

Sunflower seeds

To replenish the daily allowance of vitamin E, a person only needs to eat 43 grams of sunflower seeds. They are nutritious, and there is no harmful cholesterol in them, despite the fact that they are 80% fat. The greatest benefit has the raw raw seeds, as they lose vitamins when roasted.

Bell peppers

A medium pepper fruit contains 13% of the daily value of vitamin E. The product is rich in rare vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Yes, and vitamin C in peppers contains more than in oranges and lemons.

Bell peppers help restore intestinal microflora, reduce blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.

How much vitamin E is contained in record-breaking products, told in the table.

Source Content per 100 g % of daily allowance
Wheat germ oil 149 mg 1000%
Hazelnut oil 47 mg 320%
Unrefined sunflower oil 41 mg 280%
Almond oil 39 mg 260%
Ground chili pepper powder 38 mg 258%
Sunflower seeds 35 mg 240%
Almonds 25 mg 175%

Second, do not store containers of oils in direct sunlight (on a windowsill or table) or in open containers.

Third, buy oils in dark glass and never store in plastic containers. Why? The active ingredients in the oil react chemically with the plastic and become toxic.

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