Unfortunately, it is impossible to lose weight in a specific part of the body: localized fat burning is nothing more than a myth. When a person loses weight, fatty tissue is gradually removed from the entire body. Some people’s arms shrink first of all, while others have a thinner waist. However, one of the most problematic areas remains the thighs. Not only is this part of the body the most difficult for many people to reduce, but it is also where cellulite often appears.
Nutriciologist and trainer Andrei Semeshov notes that cellulite, as a rule, appears where excess fat deposits accumulate. Accordingly, the appearance of the upsetting “orange peel” is promoted not by certain “dangerous” products, but by excess calories as such.
The first thing that nutritionist recommends to pay attention to is a balanced diet, when calories spent are equal to or exceed the calories eaten. And then go into details: to correlate the amount of proteins, saturated and unsaturated fats, etc.
Nevertheless, there are products that often unnoticeably increase the caloric content of the diet. We tell you what you should not abuse in order to keep beautiful and slim hips.
No matter what your goal is – to get rid of extra pounds or improve skin condition, giving up sugar is the first step on the way to a healthier diet. Although sugar itself is fat-free, it provides a large number of calories at one time. And if this energy is not spent immediately, the body will store it in the form of fatty tissue.
In addition, excessive consumption of sugar – not only in its pure form, but also in drinks and sweets – can reduce the amount of collagen in the body. Lack of this substance, in turn, negatively affects the skin and contributes to the appearance of cellulite.
Although sweet fruits also contain sugar, albeit in the form of fructose, they should not be abused.
Also nutriciologist advises to pay special attention to reducing the so-called “hidden sugar” in the diet. “Alas, but today manufacturers add sugar wherever they can and can not. Including in black bread. It makes sense to linger at the shelf and pick up a variant, where in the composition of sugar will not be,” – says the expert.
White bread, pasta and rice
During weight loss, you should refuse products from white flour (bread, pastries, noodles) and rice. These products with a high glycemic index contain complex carbohydrates, which the body breaks down to sugars. For example, one of them – starch in the process of digestion breaks down to simple – glucose. In turn, this can negatively affect the skin.
White bread can be replaced with whole-grain bread, and pasta from wheat flour – with pasta from oatmeal.
Processed meats
Ham, sausages, sausages – from these products should definitely be abandoned, if you do not want your thighs to be covered with orange peel. The fact is that processed meat, as a rule, contains a large amount of sodium salt. Because of it, water is retained in the body, swelling occurs, and the skin becomes inflamed and begins to look wrinkled.
If you can not completely abstain from meat products, give preference to those that contain less salt.
Cheeses are also considered to be sources of high salt content. As with processed meats, excessive salt intake disrupts the water-salt balance in the body, retaining fluid and worsening the overall condition of the skin.
You can reduce the negative effects of eating cheese by increasing the amount of water you drink.
Avocados, nuts and dried fruits
Despite the fact that these three products are considered an integral part of a healthy diet, you should not abuse them. In themselves, they are quite caloric. For example, the recommended portion of a nut mixture (30 g) contains 182 kcal. However, most people, having a snack, do not bother with accurate measurements and eat much more.
If you eat too much of even the “right” foods at one time, the benefits will be no more than from junk food.
Alcoholic beverages are also not particularly compatible with the classic ideas of a healthy lifestyle. With regard specifically to the thighs, alcohol contributes to the appearance of cellulite. It gives an additional load on the liver and contributes to the destruction of collagen fibers, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
Coffee contains caffeine in large quantities. It provokes the release of adrenaline and increases the load on the glands responsible for its production. Thus, the body has to make additional efforts to make the adrenal glands get rid of excess adrenaline. Therefore, excessive coffee consumption increases the risk of fat deposition in problem areas, including the thighs.
Although it is impossible to lose weight in a particular place, you can achieve beautiful hips by generally getting rid of excess kilograms. In addition, special attention can be paid to the condition of the skin, because the legs – one of the most vulnerable to cellulite places.