The bulk of fitness club visitors are people 30 years old and older. Some already have various health problems. Someone periodically suffers from joint pain, and someone is dissatisfied with excess fat and wants to build muscle. What they all have in common is the desire to be healthy and beautiful.
fitnesa treneris
After 30, it is worth combining strength and aerobic exercise to improve your overall fitness and endurance.
How does the body change after 30?
After the age of 30, biological aging begins. Specialists note that at this age there is a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood of men. Not only age contributes to this: sedentary work, rest in front of the TV, traveling by car worsen the health situation. Under such circumstances, the physique of men and women in 30 years of age becomes non-harmonious, with excess fatty tissue.
Features of sports after 30
To preserve youth and well-being, the best solution is to combine cardio and strength training. Strength training slows down aging and improves the immune system. On top of that, they will help you build muscle mass. Favor medium-intensity workouts. They are able to give the desired muscle response, increase strength and strengthen joints, which will prevent injuries. For everyone, the average load will be individual, so carefully select additional weights.
As people age, they are more likely to be exposed to stressful situations. Cardio will help you react less acutely to trouble and you’ll feel much happier.
There have been studies on how activity affects mental health. Researchers have found that moderate exercise reduces the risk of depressive and anxiety disorders. In addition, exercise helps you get through nicotine withdrawal and menopause more easily.
At the age of 30 and older, a high ability in sports that require different types of endurance is evident. Choose from skiing, cycling, rowing, running, martial arts or swimming.
A simple set of exercises with a rubber band
We suggest you start exercising right now and try our workout. For people after 30 years old, it will help to increase physical endurance, develop strength and flexibility, as well as increase muscle mass.
Romanian Pull-Up
Involves the muscles of the back of the thigh and lower back.
- Feet narrower than shoulder width. The back is straight, hands are down and hold the rubber band.
- Take a deep breath and gently pull the pelvis back, as if you want to sit on a chair, and tilt the body to the floor. Hold in this position for a second.
- During the downward movement keep a slight bend in the lower back. When pulling back the pelvis, bend slightly at the knees.
- Exhale and smoothly straighten your back with a powerful movement.
Perform two approaches of 10 times. Rest between approaches – a minute.
Engages the muscles of the legs and abs.
- The back is straight with a slight bend in the lower back. Shoulder blades together, chest forward.
- Left and right leg at a 90° angle at the knees.
- The right leg is used only for balance.
- Take a deep breath and gently lower down to the parallel of the thigh of the left leg with the floor.
- Exhale and push upward in a powerful movement.
Perform two approaches of 10 times for each leg. Rest between approaches – a minute.
Incline pull
Engages the muscles of the back and biceps.
- Elbows slightly pressed to the torso. In the lower back – natural bend, back straight. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and the pelvis is pulled back.
- Tilt the torso forward and horizontal to the floor.
- Now pull the rubber band to the waist, taking the elbows behind the back. Bring your shoulder blades together and hold at the top for a second.
- Slowly release the rubber band without changing the position of the back.
Perform two approaches of 12 times. Rest between approaches – a minute.
Engages the muscles of the chest, shoulders and triceps.
- Keep the body torso straight. Neck, back and hips are in line. Legs together.
- Distribute the load on the entire surface of the palms and fingers.
- Elbows slightly pressed against the body.
- Slowly lower to a 90° angle at the elbows.
- Exhale powerfully as you reach the top point.
- Do not straighten the elbows all the way.
Perform two approaches of 5-10 times. Rest between approaches – a minute.
Stretch to the chest
Engages the muscles of the shoulders and back.
- The body is flat.
- On exhalation lead the elbows up, bringing the shoulder blades together.
- Fix the rubber band against the chest for a second.
- As you inhale, smoothly lower to the starting position.
Perform two approaches of 15 times. Rest between approaches – a minute.
Triceps extensions from behind the head while sitting.
Engages the muscles of the arms.
- Keep your back straight.
- Take your arms back and press them to your ears so that your elbows are parallel to each other.
- Powerfully with an exhalation extend the arms, staying in the upper point for a second.
- Smoothly return the arms to a 90° angle at the elbows.
Perform two approaches of 12 times. Rest between approaches – one minute.
Standing biceps flexion one arm at a time
Engages the muscles of the arms.
- Keep your back straight.
- One hand grasp the rubber band so that the back side of the palm looks down.
- Keep your elbows pressed against your torso.
- Powerfully with an exhalation bend the arm to an angle of 100-120°, holding for a second.
- Smoothly return the arm to the starting position.
Perform two approaches of 12 times. Rest between approaches – a minute.
Training is over.
Sport after 30 years is very important. Do not forget about nutrition, and the path to the dream body will be easy!