How to fight the virus: effective spices to strengthen immunity

In spring, our body needs immune system support more than ever. If you do not want to resort to various vitamins, chemical additives, it’s time to look on the kitchen shelves. You will probably find a bag of cinnamon or dried rosemary. We tell you about effective spices to boost immunity and fight viruses.

What are the benefits of spices in the diet?

  • They make food taste richer;
  • provide a prolonged feeling of satiety;
  • can replace salt;
  • speed up metabolism.


Nutmeg is rich in vitamins A, B, C, folic acid, magnesium, potassium and zinc. That’s why it’s an excellent remedy for reducing inflammation in the body and boosting defense functions. And the high concentration of magnesium in nutmeg can have a positive effect on your sleep. Among the very unexpected features of the spice – it helps to deal with plaque on the teeth, as well as protect against tooth decay.

Nutmeg is also versatile in cooking: it is good in desserts and drinks, as well as in hot dishes.


This spice is considered a natural antibiotic, it is based on curcumin. It is thanks to this component that turmeric strengthens immunity, improves cognitive function and even helps to lose weight. It is not for nothing that this spice is so loved by zoogeeks: it is used to make vegan caffeine-free lattes or “golden milk”, added to smoothies and homemade face masks.

In addition, turmeric can be added to rice and potato dishes, vegetables and sauces.


Since ancient times, cardamom has been used to treat various infections and colds. Cardamom seeds contain a large amount of essential oils – limonene, terpineol, cineol, armidone. These components are endowed with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory activity. Therefore, this spice not only strengthens the immune system, but also has an analgesic effect.

In Russia, cardamom has become popular relatively recently, but in India this culinary component is valued since ancient times. In some Asian countries adding cardamom to dishes is considered a rule of good culinary taste.

Cardamom harmonizes perfectly with salad, vegetable and fruit mixes, as well as it can be added to baked goods and various types of soups.


Sage is one of the best antimicrobial agents. The composition of this herb includes a natural natural bactericidal element salvin. It is due to its content that sage is able to inhibit the growth of harmful bacterial flora. Also, this spice helps to remove excess fluid from the body and normalize kidney function.

Sage can be added to various dishes: omelets, fried vegetables, chicken and fish when baked.


All useful elements are contained in fresh ginger and its juice, which can be added to salad as a dressing or in drinks. In this form, ginger perfectly strengthens the immune system, accelerates metabolism and nourishes the body with vitamins A, C, B1, B2, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc and potassium. Also, eating ginger root can help relieve pain and improve digestion.

Ginger can be added to legume dishes, fish, fried dishes, and of course, tea.


Cinnamon has strong anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties and is used to prevent and treat flu and colds. This spice also lowers cholesterol, triglycerides (fats) and blood sugar levels. The combination of ground cinnamon and honey works best for sore throat, stuffy nose and cough.

You can experiment and add cinnamon to hot vegetable dishes. For example, broccoli or baked potatoes. This spice is also a great substitute for sugar: its aroma will make your receptors feel a slightly sweet taste. Cinnamon is also great for breakfast dishes: Greek yogurt, porridge, puddings. This spice also boosts your mood and influences the release of happy hormones.


Rosemary is packed with lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. And thanks to its antiseptic and tonic properties, it helps with headaches and muscle aches, colds, relieves asthma symptoms. In the past, doctors used to burn sprigs of rosemary in the wards where sick people were lying, to disinfect the air.

This seasoning goes well with salad mixes, first courses and fish, as well as cheese plates. Rosemary is also added to tea, non-alcoholic mulled wine and various herbal decoctions.

Expert “Championship”, nutriciologist Anna Berseneva notes that with spices should be careful. Especially when it comes to baby food: “I respect and love spices very much. It is one of my favorite tools for rejuvenation, improving physical and emotional state, even solving serious health problems.
Children’s bodies under the age of 3 are very sensitive to the concentrated aromatic acids they contain. Spices in the baby’s body can cause severe irritation: the gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready for the actions of such active substances.
Especially careful before the age of three should be with saffron, hot pepper and turmeric.”


Thyme or thyme is famous for its antiseptic properties. It strengthens the body’s immunological defenses, tones and provides a mild antispasmodic effect. On the basis of this herb, they make remedies that treat coughs and relieve various inflammatory processes.

Remember how in childhood you were brewed tea with thyme for colds and prevention of viral diseases. In addition to drinks, thyme can be added to meat, poultry, potato and tomato salads, broths and soups.


Dried clove buds are rich in vitamins and bioactive substances. Cloves help boost immunity and fight pathogenic bacteria. This spice is also used as a flu preventative. Cloves also have analgesic and antispasmodic effect, removes toxins from the body.

This spice can be called universal, because it is added to the first and second, and dessert dishes. As well as drinks, appetizers and marinades.


Anise star anise orbadian is a popular spice that came to us from China. Its root is used in medicine in the treatment of viral diseases, bronchitis and sore throats. In addition, anise has a positive effect on human immunity, as well as on the endocrine and nervous systems.

Badian is often added to confectionery, it goes well with chocolate and citrus. Anise is no less popular when added to vegetable stews, in meat and poultry when baked, in the preparation of marinades. Often this spice is added to alcoholic and soft drinks.

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