Nutriciologist named 5 fruits and berries you shouldn’t buy in May

Nata Gončars

founder of the International Institute of Integrative Nutritionology

What fruits and berries are better not to buy in May?

Fruits are a natural source of fiber and many vitamins. To avoid avitaminosis in spring, it is enough to introduce fruits into your diet. But what kind of fruits, if it is May and the season of summer fruits has not yet arrived? We tell you about five appetizing looking fruits, the purchase of which is better to postpone.

Peaches, strawberries, blueberries, melons and watermelons appeared on the shelves of the store with the arrival of May days. But the season of these fruits has not yet come, so their usefulness and safety is questionable. Often, to speed up the ripening process, domestic producers use fertilizers, pesticides and nitrates. In turn, foreign suppliers treat the fruit with substances to increase shelf life, so that during transportation the fruit retained freshness as long as possible.

Do not buy melon or watermelon already cut into slices or halves – bacteria may have gotten into them.

Strawberries, strawberries and cherries

Strawberries and strawberries in May are brought to Russian markets from far away: from Turkey, Argentina, Brazil. To make the berries last longer and look appetizing on the counter, they are treated with chemicals, in particular, antibiotics. Early berries often have elevated nitrate levels due to heavy feeding.

I recommend eating such berries with caution, be sure to soak them before eating and allow yourself only small portions of the treat. It is better to buy garden berries from the south of Russia, where early varieties are already ripe: Krasnodar, Crimean and the variety “Early Crimea”, which was bred by Crimean breeders.

Before buying cherries pay attention to the freshness of the berry – the fruit should shine, do not have matte and roughness. The green color of the stalk indicates that the cherry was collected recently.

What is worth buying in May?

In May, the season of fresh greens without chemical fertilizers begins. Pay attention to fragrant cilantro, spinach, take a bunch of cress and rucola, a couple of sprigs of mint. May is the time for vitamin salads with fragrant greens and fresh vegetables: white cabbage, radishes, young peas.

Early white cabbage contains almost the entire set of vitamins (including B1, B2, B3, C, E, D, D, H, K, P), as well as iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, sulfur, phytoncides and phosphorus. Young radish has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, liver and gallbladder, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, edema, gallstone and kidney stone disease.

Use only seasonal fruits and berries: they are grown in natural conditions, have excellent flavor, rich in vitamins and minerals. Ask the seller where the fruit comes from and choose products from countries where the season has already started. Only in this case you will get the maximum benefit and a powerful charge of vitamins.

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