Nutritional expert names 4 micronutrients that boost libido in men

Irina Popkova

medical editor, scientific expert of Biogena Russia, wellness expert

Problems with libido can significantly reduce the quality of life. But the changes that occur can be stopped and brought under control. Let’s find out what a man should pay attention to in order to maintain a high level of energy and drive.

Decreased erection is a delicate problem, but you can always find a solution if you understand what the cause is. And it is better to look for the answer, without shyness, together with a doctor-sexologist. He can refer (if necessary) to doctors of other specialties – urologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist for additional consultation.

It is important to realize that self-medication and uncontrolled intake of various drugs to increase potency, folk recipes from the Internet or advice from “friends” can only aggravate the situation.

Why libido decreases

Psychological factors

Constant stress, difficulties in relationships with a partner, conflicts; depression, mental disorders, for example, undiagnosed, of which a man may not know.

Medical causes

These are hormonal disorders associated with a decrease in the production of testosterone, failures in the endocrine system and related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, vascular diseases, neurological diseases, injuries in the pelvic area, injuries to the penis.

Having identified the cause, the doctor will offer a comprehensive program of therapy. And at the first stages, it may include taking medications.

Also may include consultations with a psychotherapist who will help to develop and consolidate in practice more productive forms of communication with the opposite sex, improve communication, which will contribute to a more harmonious sexual interaction with a partner.

What to include in the diet

To increase adaptive capacity and enhance sexual activity, it is important to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle:

  • minimize alcohol and, if possible, do not smoke or reduce the number of cigarettes;
  • include physical activity on a regular basis, it can be training in the gym, jogging in the fresh air;
  • normalize sleep and get enough sleep – at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep per day;
  • adjust the diet. Add foods rich in valuable protein (poultry, meat), slow carbohydrates (cereals, multigrain bread), fresh vegetables and herbs (parsley, dill, all types of cabbage) containing antioxidants, valuable omega-3 fats from fish (trout, salmon, cod liver).
8 aphrodisiac foods. When to add them to the diet, told here.

In addition, it is worth including in the menu products containing micronutrients such as zinc, magnesium, L-arginine, L-carnitine.

Zinc. A vital trace element for the male organism. It is necessary to increase the level of testosterone – it is the main male sex hormone, which is responsible for potency, the work of the sexual system. In foods, zinc is found in pumpkin seeds, seafood and nuts.

Magnesium. Like zinc, magnesium helps stimulate the production of testosterone. In addition, it is considered the main “anti-stress mineral”, helps to improve the nervous system, reduce anxiety, irritability, increases efficiency and activity.

The mineral can also help with additional intake on the background of sports training – improves endurance and muscle function. A large amount of magnesium in natural bitter chocolate, mackerel and salmon.

L-arginine. Often doctors may recommend taking this amino acid to improve blood circulation in the penis. Since one of its functions is the production of nitric oxide, which has a vasodilating effect.

Foods high in L-arginine are pumpkin seeds (record amounts!), peanuts, walnuts, chicken, pork.

L-carnitine. A powerful booster to energize a man’s body. The maximum amount of L-carnitine is found in beef and lamb.

It is important to realize that sex drive is different for everyone. There is no norm in this matter. And the fact that a man does not constantly feel a strong desire, does not mean that he has a “low” libido.

In the previous material told what products reduce the production of testosterone in men.

However, if the lack of attraction is depressing, there are problems with erection, it is worth seeing a specialist, eliminate the problem and return the former high quality of life, energy and drive.

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