Sometimes it’s hard to find time to get out to the gym and work out on exercise machines, and not everyone has the opportunity to place their favorite equipment at home. However, an effective workout can be carried out without complex devices – an ordinary wall will help. Any wall will do, the main thing is that there is enough space to perform exercises.
Squats with your back to the wall
Sākuma pozīcija: standing.
Number of repetitions: 30 times.
Move away from the wall at such a distance that in the squat position your legs are bent at the knees at right angles. The distance between the feet should be minimal. Slowly lower yourself to the parallel of your hips to the floor, touching the wall with your back.
Squats facing the wall
Sākuma pozīcija: standing.
Number of repetitions: 20 reps.
Stand facing the wall. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Spread your toes apart and put your hands behind your head. Gently squat down to parallel with the floor. Make sure that your knees, chest and nose are as close to the wall as possible throughout the exercise.
Gluteal bridge with support on the wall
Sākuma pozīcija: lying down.
Lie on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees and throw them on the wall. Push your pelvis upwards as much as possible, tensing your glutes at the top point. Do 20-25 repetitions. Then lift one leg up, shifting the supporting leg to the center. Repeat 15-20 times. Then do the same amount of reps, changing the supporting leg.
Lifting the body with leg separation
Sākuma pozīcija: lying down.
Number of repetitions: 25-30 times.
Lie on your back. Lean your straight legs against the wall. Extend your arms above your head. As you exhale, lift your body and touch the wall with your hands, while spreading your legs apart. Then bring your legs together and return to the starting position.
"Klinšu kāpējs"
Sākuma pozīcija: standing on your hands.
Number of repetitions: 8-10 times.
Take a handstand facing the wall with your feet on the wall. Take four steps down and up the wall. After alternately pull the knees of each leg to your chest four times.
Important! The exercise is not recommended for those who have problems with blood pressure and who are not confident in their abilities.
Sākuma pozīcija: sitting.
Sit down until your hips are parallel to the floor, leaning your back against the wall. Spread your shoulders. Tense your abs. Make sure that during the exercise your shoulder blades are tightly pressed against the wall. Hold in this position for 30-40 seconds. Then alternately throw one leg over the knee of the other – hold them for 30-40 seconds.
How to perform the exercises correctly, see the video on the “Championship”.
Having performed the complex, be sure to stretch the warmed up muscles. Even a little stretching will help to get rid of painful sensations after training and reduce the risk of injury.