Powerful stretching workout. How to get on the twine in a month

Powerful stretching workout. How to sit on the twine in a month

How do you get into a twine?

The absolute champion in beach bodybuilding shared effective exercises.

Good stretching not only looks beautiful from the outside. It is also extremely useful for the body. Stretched muscles hurt less after training, prepared joints and tendons are less prone to injury. Isn’t that a reason to take care of your plasticity and work on it a little?

Ruslan Safarov

absolute champion in beach bodybuilding, champion of Russia in “Mans Physique”.

Performing these exercises every day, you will sit on the twine in a month.


Jump rope for five minutes at an easy pace, and then start the exercises.

Head tilts


  • Place your left hand on the right side of your head.
  • Tilt the head to the left.
  • Slightly press the hand on the right side.
  • Repeat the same with a tilt to the right.
  • After placing both hands on the back of the head.
  • Press the chin to the chest.
  • And again slightly press the palms of the hands.

Torso tilts to the sides


  • Put your feet at shoulder width.
  • Raise the right hand up, put the left hand on the waist.
  • From this position make a tilt of the torso to the left. The right arm is pulled as far sideways as possible.
  • Then change hands and repeat the exercise.

Rolling from foot to foot


  • Bend the right leg and completely lower on it. Put the left one to the side.
  • Slightly wiggle the pelvis 2-3 times in this position.
  • Bend the left leg and transfer the body weight to it, straighten the right leg.
  • Perform such rolls several times.


For most of the exercises in this complex you will need the help of a partner or a trainer.

Foot to foot (paired exercise)


  • Sit with your partner on the floor face to face.
  • Spread your legs as wide as possible. We rest our feet on the partner’s feet.
  • Take your partner’s hands and tilt your body backwards. Pull the partner’s body forward and down.
  • Change places and repeat the exercise.

Leaning to the legs lying down (pair exercise).


  • Sit on the floor, spread straight legs as wide as possible.
  • Tilt the torso to the right leg, then to the left, then between them.
  • Your partner stands behind you and slightly presses on your back to lower your torso even lower.
  • Bring your legs together and lean towards them again. The partner also presses on your back.
  • Switch places and repeat the exercise.

Butterfly (pair exercise)


  • Sit on the floor. Connect the feet together and pull them up to the pelvis. Knees are separated to different sides. We try to lower them as low as possible.
  • The partner stands behind us, rests his hands on our knees and slightly presses on them, lowering them even lower.
  • At a more advanced level, the partner can stand with his feet on the knees of the person stretching.
  • Switch places and repeat the exercise.

Standing leg bends (pair exercise)


  • Stand with your back against the wall, pressing your buttocks tightly against it. Heels can also be pressed or slightly away from the wall.
  • Spread straight legs wide apart.
  • Tilt the torso first to one leg, then to the other and in the middle. The partner at this time presses our torso deeper into the incline.
  • We bring our straight legs together and bend toward them. The partner helps us again.
  • Switch places and repeat the exercise.

Bending to the leg on the bar

The best for the exercise is a Swedish wall.


  • Throw a foot on the bar (approximately at chest level), leaving all the emphasis on the second leg.
  • Bend over to the straight leg, which is lying on the bar.
  • Pull as deep as possible.
  • Then change legs and repeat the exercise.

Twine at the Swedish wall

If the level of preparation allows, you can supplement this exercise with additional weights.


  • Stand as close as possible facing the Swedish wall.
  • Do a transverse twine as far as stretching allows.
  • Lower yourself down as far as you feel a burning sensation in your legs. If necessary, you can lean on the bars with your hands.
  • Stand in this position for a minute.
  • Then change position to a longitudinal twine facing right. Stand also for a minute.
  • Turn to a longitudinal twine facing left and stand for another minute.

The workout is over.

At first, such exercises will cause you pain and unusual sensations. However, after a month you will see the result, and your stretching will reach a completely different level.

For detailed exercises, see the video on “Championship”.

Source: MuscleRussia.

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