“The fees for 10 days will cost 55 thousand rubles.” How much does it cost to give your son to karate?

Finding a life’s work is an incredibly difficult task, and it is up to the parents to help the child. It is they who direct the kid’s energy in the right direction. One of the ways of development can be sports, sometimes by the age of eight a child has already been practicing for half of his life, not going to finish, but only moving forward.

We’re continuing our text series on the price of children’s sports. Today, a young karate kid’s dad shares his experience with us.

Alexey Krikun

Karate dad, coach of “Karate Club #1”.

Karate is a unique sport, in the sense that it harmoniously develops the whole body, equally pays attention to strengthening muscles and stretching them, great emphasis is placed on coordination. At the same time, it has an element of direct confrontation with another person. I believe this is an important experience for any child, especially a boy. Our kind of karate has very “humane” rules: contact to the head is forbidden, the goal is not to harm the opponent, but to earn a point for a correctly applied technique. These rules make fights quite safe for health, athletes are very rarely injured. Also karate has an integral educational component: discipline, respect for elders, the idea of “non-violence” and continuous self-improvement.

About how much it costs to give a child to taekwondo, read the link.


The cost of a kimono for classes starts from 1.5 thousand rubles. At a higher sports level, it will cost from 4-5 thousand rubles, you can buy more expensive, but it is optional. Kimono is enough for one or two seasons, depending on how fast the child grows.


If children are engaged in the section of kata (demonstration performance), additional equipment is not necessary, except for kimono and two belts – red and blue colors. The price of each within 1 thousand rubles.

If the kid trains in the section kumite, which involves fights, he needs: vest, mouth guard, groin protection, gloves on the hands in two colors, feet and shields on the legs in two colors. The total amount of all equipment in a budget, but acceptable variant will cost about 15 thousand rubles. If you take more reputable brands, you will get a little more than 20 thousand.

In the first few years of classes, if we are talking about kids, no additional equipment, except for kimono, is not necessary. At the first stage of kumite performances it is enough to have only a mouth guard and gloves. A full set of equipment is necessary to participate in official competitions held by the Federation.

But even at such events it is not necessary to have full ammunition: many athletes buy only one color of protection and swap with their teammates. Such a minimal kit will cost up to 10 thousand.


A month’s subscription for two classes a week costs 5 thousand rubles, in other karate sections the price is in the same range. If you practice three times a week, the cost of classes is 7 thousand. Many clubs also have an annual membership fee of 1-2 thousand rubles a year, but in our club there is no such thing.

About how much it costs to give your son to Thai boxing, read at the link.

Competitions and certifications

Participation in any competitions is paid, usually in the amount of 1 thousand rubles or a little more. We have a lot of intra-club events: discos, creative competitions and so on. Most of them are paid, within 1 thousand.

Participation in attestations for belts, as well as in seminars is also paid, from 1 thousand rubles and more, depending on the color of the belt. For example, confirmation of qualification for a green belt costs 3 thousand.

Training camps

Participation in sports camps, which are held in the form of sports and family camps, where not only children but also their parents train and have fun, is paid and depends on the length of the shift and the hotel.

For example, to send a child on his own to the 10-day August training camp in the Moscow region, you will need 55 thousand rubles. This price includes accommodation, meals, training, all leisure and excursion expenses, a gift, which most often involves a club merchandise.

On average per month comes out about 9 thousand rubles, as we participate in two events of the club and pay for a season ticket for three classes.

By giving your child to the club, you are helping him to develop in every way. Sports gives not only health and good immunity, but also teaches such qualities as discipline, focus and perseverance. They allow you to achieve heights both in competitions and in life.

About how much it costs hockey section for a child, read in this article.
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